14 AUGUST 1909, Page 18


rTo THE EDITOR OF THE "SPIWT•TOH.1 SIR,—In response to my letter of June 26th, which you kindly made attractive by an editorial postscript, I have received £11 12s. 6d. from readers of the Spectator towards the upkeep of the rest-rooms for the women and girls employed at the White City Exhibition:— Mr. and Mrs. Banks and

family ... 1 8 The Hon. Mrs. Drewitt ... 2 0 Major D. C. Courtney ... 1 0

Mr. A. R. Robinson ... ... 0 10

0 10

A G.F.S. Associate ... 0 7

Hrs. Oliver 0 10

Owing to the decreasing number of employees, we found that one rest-room and coffee-stall would provide sufficient accommodation, and we feared creating a future grievance if too generous advantages were granted in providing for rest, food, or money on behalf of this year's Exhibition workers. Since July 17th, when the green rest-room closed, the girls' own weekly subscrip- tions to the blue rest-room of a penny each have paid the attendant's wages. The coffee-stall profits support all the other expenses. The initial outlay was heavy, but is now almost balanced through the support of friends and of your readers.—

z s. d.

0 0 0 0 0 0

Mrs. Click Weatberell Hrs. Morrish

Mr. J. Knox ...

Mrs. Randall Webb ... Miss X. Cholmondeley

Miss Eyre ... Hiss Chilton

s. d.

02 1020 0

0 5 0

100 00 00 1100 00

Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of Rest-Rooms Committee. 10 Leonard Place, Kensington, W.