14 AUGUST 1915, Page 18


[To TRH EDITOR OP TER "SPROTITOR."1 SIR,—Whilst thanking you for so kindly finding space (Spectator, August 7th) for my letter, allow me • to correct one printer's error. I did not say that there were many French generals who owed their lives through having used one of the bullet-proof screens, but I am credibly informed that General Maiimuy and one' other general are reported to have worn them and were hit and not wounded; but this was not the laminated steel corselet, which is bayonet, shrapnel, and only bullet proof when bullets are glance, ricochet, or more or less spent bullets.—I am,. Sir, &c.; • 609 Salisbury Mime, London Wall. E. P. RATHBONE;