14 AUGUST 1915, Page 2

During the course, of the week Sir Robert Borden, the

Canadian Premier, has made several excellent:speeches.. We have only space to note that delivered at Bristol on Monday

• on the occasion of •his being admitted to the Freemen's Roll. ; In acknoWledging the 'honour Sir Robert' spoke of the con- tribUtion 'of. the 0-verses -Dominions to the cause of -Empire. Tinsre 'were to-day,• within 'these 'islands, several regiments 'whose rriother4ongue was French,- and who had come from Canada to do their share. !' In the development of constitu- tional government in Canada the men of French race had worked harmoniously with those whose forefathers came from these islands, and among the exponents of the cause of con- stitutional government and liberty none had been found better than those descended from the first pioneer race, the French race." He was sure that the comradeship resulting from men from all parts of the Empire fighting side by side and getting to know each other better would be of marked advantage in promoting a more splendid Imperial unity in the future. In conclusion, he said that he should take back to Canada, as he brought from Canada, the expression of the strong determination that this struggle should never cease until it was brought to an honourable and triumphant conclusion.