14 AUGUST 1926, Page 2

" Incidents " and bloodshed are alleged to have occurred

on the frontier of Bulgaria and Yugo-Slavia. The blame is naturally laid by the Serbians upon the Macedonian Komitajis, though a Bulgarian gendarme is also said to have been implicated. Last week the British, French and Italian diplomatic representatives at Belgrade and Sofia joined in urging moderation and coolness on both sides. Their action seems to have had excellent results. We are told that the expected note from Belgrade to Sofia will be moderate in tone and that the whole matter may be referred to the League of Nations. Rumania :mid Greece w ill probably join with YUgo-Kayia in a collective note to Bulgaria. The so-called Macedonian Committee, which is at the root of the trouble, ought, of course, to submit to all' orders or instructions' from the Bulgarian Government ; but, as is well known, it prefers to be a law to itself.