14 AUGUST 1936, Page 20


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,– -May I, through your columns, ask for new supporters of the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary to take the place of those whom, from time to time, we lose ?

The Sanctuary was the first to be established for the birds of the countryside near London. It has no endowment, but lovers of birds have, for thirty-two years, provided the wherewithal with which to pay the Keeper's wages and for some necessary work. More ought to be done and I trust that larger funds will be forthcoming.

Every year there is something of interest to talk about. Last season, for instance, we had two nests of the long- tailed tit. A feature of the present summer has been the specially large number of blackcaps and garden warblers, while the nest of a tree-creeper, which is rare with us, has been found and the visit of a pied-flycatcher has been recorded.