14 AUGUST 1936, Page 28


Edited by P. Malevsky-Malevitch Russia—U.S.S.R, (Williams and Islorgate, 21s.) first apPeared in the United IStates three years ago, appendices Ifavinebeen added '-to the present re,issne-to bring it up -to date. - It is an encyclopaedia work .nr,i5OMposite authorship covering history, culture, political Stitictiire, trade, industry, &e: - The plan of the book. is simple' and satisfactory. The first section, written by the editor, treats' of Russian history frdm the Varangians-down - Thefremaining sections are primarily concerned with '"Soviet RUISia and deal with the pre-War and War periods only `by way of introductory matter. Most of the - contribtitori -.are Russian emigres, though among them are to be -found two Englishmen and • Mr. Max Eastman, who is n. Trotskyist:: The last word is rather strangely even to an -American Communist who, while admitting the "'facts, figures-aid evidence " adduced . in thehook are accurate, contends thatthe anti-Soviet bias of its authors hai " distorted- its` facts out 'of all perspeetive." A •few-passages here and- t-hara- justify this stricture. But _ most of the contributors haVe managed to maintain a fair standard Of objectivity. The data are • stated to be taken _ in the -main from official SoViet publications, though precise indications of source are usually lackini,-: and there is no -bibliokraphy.. As a 'compendium of information about Russia; it would be hard to find anything More comprehensive.