14 AUGUST 1959, Page 21


SIR,—At long last the truth has prevailed, partly because of the publication of The Black Diaries. May I use your letter columns, sir, to pay two tributes? Firstly to yourself and that distinguished contributor, Mr. Robert Blake, who gave me the succinct advice to 'Publish and be damned.'

And then to Maurice Girodias. He sought me out after you had' published an article of mine on the Diaries, and I came back. from the mountain air of Valdodiabene to meet him in Paris. Lunch lasted four hours, and then we had to drive at appalling speed for me to catch my plane to London.

'Peter, if you are prepared to face prosecution in London. which will never happen, if you will rewrite this book, I will publish it first in Paris, second in New York and then in London.'

I said 'Yes. I begin work tomorrow morning.'

And to Maurice Girodias, enfant terrible though he may be, should go the full credit for this remark- able volte-face by the British Government.—Yours faithfully,

London. SW 10