14 AUGUST 1959, Page 22

PHONEVISION SIR,—For the sake of accuracy: I. The Comedic Francaise

filmed production of Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme is being shown at the Royal Festival Hall on Sundays at 6 p.m. until the 6th of September, not at the National Film Theatre.

2. When assessing the financial possibilities of 'Pay- as-You-View' television, Derek Parker forgot that there would usually be more than one viewer per set, particularly if the programme has to be paid for. Hence a charge of Is. 3d. would only bring in over £30,000 if there are one or two million viewers. And out of this sum the overheads, both for the trans- mitters and for the PAYV system, have to be paid.— Yours faithfully, 46 Vivian Way, N2