14 AUGUST 1959, Page 22

SIR,—I was interested in Mr. Parker's article on 'Phonevision' in

the Spectator. But I think he misses (or at any rate plays down) the most important point of all—the moral one.

The issue is really whether the public is going to be challenged to make a significant choice in the matter of its entertainment—i.e., a choice it is prepared to back up by putting its hand in its pocket—or whether it is going to accept meekly what 'authority,' whether in the shape of ITV or BBC, thinks it ought to have.

1 certainly hope that Pay-TV will be on offer in this country at earliest. And I certainly hope that it will not he handled by BBC, ITV or any combination thereof.—Yours faithfully, St. Botolph's Vestry, Aldgate, EC3