14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 10

The Leeds Mercury makes this report of the operation of

the new postage in Leeds—" We have inquired at the Post-office in this town, as to the effect which the new rate of postage has had upon the number of letters sent through the office, and the account of money received; and though we have received no very specific information upon the subject, we find that the increase of letters, and the decrease of revenue, correspond pretty much with what has been experienced at the General Post-office. We are also informed that great facility is found to arise in the sorting of letters, from the charge being regulated by weight, and that double the number of' letters can be assorted by the clerks within the same time. In Leeds, as in many other places, it is perfectly clear that the present Post-office will be found too small for the despatch of the increased business when the penny postage comes into operation; and it is high time that enlarged premises should be obtained, or much irregularity will infallibly arise in despatching the mail-bags."