14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 7

Lord George A. Beauclerk, au officer in the 10th Hussars,

and bro- ther of the Duke of St. Albans, was charged at the Guildhall, on Monday week, with an indecent assault upon Mrs. C. Briuley, the wife

of Mr. ,Taseph Brinley, of King Street. On Saturday evening, while

Mrs. Manley was at the door of her house, Lord Beauclerk mime up, nnd in a most indelicate manner committed the outrage upon her. The

noble lord did net deny the charge ; and stated, in extennatinn. that he had been drinking a great quantity of wine on that evening.. The Mayor, on delivering the judgment of the Magistrates. said that they

could make no distinction of persons, but at the same time they ex- tremely regretted that a person of his rank in life should set so bad an example as to be guilty of an offence like that compleined of. The noble lord was thee' fined in the full penalty of 3/. and costs; which was instantly paid.—Eraer Flying Pod. On Sunday evening about nine ('Chock, the peaceable inhabitants of Trumpington Street, the King's Parade, and Trinity Street, Clunbridee, were interrupted by the yells and bowlines of aboet one thousand of

the Under-Graduates, who, it appears, had determined to link them- selves to insult and to hoot the Proctors upon duty for justice to one of their body, stilton they had discovered in it state of beastly in-

toxicati.m. tail who had otherwise committed himself in a most dis- graceful manlier. They, therelbre, es is usual whenever they have de-

termined to commit any nuisance and breach of' the peace, innn,alately

congregated in great numbers, and assailed the Proctors fi.on, one end of' the street to the other, making use of' the most violent al..: .rt'ace- fbi and hallooing to time very top of their voices. Tin, inha-

bitants had. in many instances, lint just returned froi» rcspective places of worship. '1'he Police, during the whole petit 1, were walking

abiiilt Wit:I the greatest unconcern ; for it is not " lawful " for them to interfere with the Under-Graduates of the rniverslly. 'I'hey have their own diseipline and their ow ii officers.—Die not the limn,: See:ma ry send a Special Commission to Cantla idge t niversity, to " redress the balanee" of the Chartist reckoning at Newport ?]