14 DECEMBER 1839, Page 8

It has reached us from an unquestionable authority, that it

is the in- tention of King of Hanover, with his illustrious consort, to visit this country early in February. The object of his Majesty's visit is to be present at the nuptials of the Queen and Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg.. —Morning Herald.

The Globe gives the following extract of a letter from Hanover, dated December 6- " It is generally reported that her Majesty Queen Victoria has written an autograph letter to the Kings her uncle, announcing her intended marriage to Prince Albert of Saxe Cubitrg. The Kiog set out this afternoon for Brims- wick on a visit to the Duke."

The Morning Post says—" There is some inaccuracy in this state- ment. The letter which communicated to the King of Hanover the intended marriage of the Queen of' England was signed, but not written,. by her Majesty."

We have great pleasure in contradicting, as we do by authority, the statements of the newspapers, that the Mug of Ilanover has been lately suffering from a paralytic or apoplectic attach, or some other severe illness. Ills Majesty was in the enjoyment of' perfect health when the latest acemints left Hanover ; and his active and temperate habits alibrd promise, under the blessing of Divine Providence, that of such health he will long preserve the enjoyment. The false statement which we contradict may be traced to Hamburg, where some dis- affected Hanoverians have taken up their quarters. The rumour of the King's illness was, by the exertions of these persons, current in Hamburg at a date several days prior to that of the letters upon the authority of which we contradict the statement.—Standard,