14 DECEMBER 1844, Page 16


Frost December 6th to December 12th.


A Journey from Naples to Jerusalem., byway of Athens, Egypt, and the Peninsula of Sinai, including a Trip to the Valley of Fayoum ; toge- they with a Translation of M. Linant De Bellefond's "Memoire sur le Lae Maria." By DAWSON BORRER, Esq.

Travels in Luristan and Arabistan. By the Baron C. A. DE BODE. In two volumes.

Londres et les Airylais des Temps Modernes. Par le Dr. BUREAUD• RIOPREY, Membre de l'Academie Impedele de Saint-Petersbourg, &c. [Dr. BUREAUD-RIOFREY, as we learn from his book, is a French physician resident in London; liberal and free from national prejudices. Having settled among the English, he has set himself to learn their history and character. He appears to have been a diligent reader of contemporary biography ; and, we should surmise, an indefatigable walker, for the topography of London is fami- liar to him. Desirous of contributing to a mutual good understanding between his own country and ours, he turns his impressions, derived from what he has i seen and read, into a book. He remarks justly, that even in less peaceful times it is well for his countrymen to know what England is. "In the contest of two rivals the great disadvantage is on the side of him who does not know the power and resources of his adversary. It has almost always been the mis- fortune of France not to know the people with which she had to contend." The result is, what may be called a cursory history of British society. There is a vein of political history throughout, but it is the history of administrations and the more prominent public events, not much of the people; the growth of London itself, gradually expanding its enormous dimensions, is kept in view ; and there are glances at arts, statistics, nosology ; in short, it is a kind of easy table-talk resume of such history and memorabilia as might be gathered from contemporary biographies, conceived in a kindly and rather admiring but intel- ligent spirit. if a good deal of it is old to some English readers, it will be new to the writer's countrymen at large; and his work will certainly not tend to foment bad feeling. The present volume follows an account of Ancient Lon- ' don, and closes with Pitt's career : another volume will be devoted to the study of London in the Nineteenth Century.] The Lawyers in Love; or Passages from the Life of a Chancery Barrister. By the Author of " Cavendish," &c. In three volumes. [The loves of the lawyers all end in elopements: three barristers run off to Gretna Green,—one with the daughter of a poor Irish Peer, who afterwards elopes from him; another with a ward in Chancery ; and a third with a beauti- ful heiress. For the half of the first volume the narrative is coherent, and bears some semblance of reality : the struggles of a rising man at the bar to maintain a fine-lady wife on his scanty income have a vein of truth though running into caricature. The idea of a rich uncle disinheriting his nephew on the supposition that he was living in the King's Bench Prison instead of Ring's Bench Walk, Temple, is only suited to farce; to which all the rest of the adventures belong. Circuit jokes, sketches of judges and counsel, and in- cidents of extravagant absurdity only suited to the stage, are vamped up with fluent dialogue seasoned with forced facetiousness and slang phraseology : it seems as if the author, finding his first story too serious and come to an end too soon, had spun out another to fill up the measure of three volumes with mere balderdash.] Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. By the Author of " The Trials of Margaret Lindsay." A new edition.

[A cheap yet handsome reprint of this series of interesting stories ; in which traits of Scottish life and character are depicted with a pencil oftener dipped in gloom than in sunshine, but with a stern and wholesome impressiveness, that soothe the pain it causes.] Ocean Thoughts, Homeward Bound from India. By a Young Officer in the East India Service.

[The basis of this little volume is the journal of a homeward-voyage from Cal- cutta, varied by reminiscences of moving accidents during former adventures, and enlivened by sketches of the passengers and some incidents at the Cape sad St. Helena. The author is a frank sailor, with all the liveliness of a Jack- tar, to which he adds a strong religious sentiment ; so that serious feeling tempers the freedom that might otherwise fall into roughness.] Nothing ! in Rhyme and Prose. By GEORGE BOLTON.

[The nothingness of this volume consists in laborious but not successful at- tempts to be facetious.]

The University of Bonn, its Rise, Progress, and Present State. With a

concise Account of the College Life of his Royal Highness Prince Al-

bert of Saxe Coburg and Gotha. By a Member of the Middle Temple. [This is a foolish book, with a touch of the would-be courtier. The University of Bonn was founded by the late King of Prussia in 1819 ; so there is not much to say about its antiquity ; but the town has a claim in this way, which answers as well. The only demand the University can have upon English attention, beyond that of any other public place of Continental education, is the circum- stance of Prince ALBERT having studied there ; but, as he only remained a year and four months, he could not have been very deeply indebted to it fur any of his qualifications; and what is told of him, and the University honours con- ferred after he had quitted the University, when it was known he was going to be married, ie somewhat general. However, those who wish to have a descrip- tion of the buildings, characters of the professors, course of study, and conduct of the students, together with a panegyrical account of Prince ALBERT, and of the Star Hotel, which supplied his table till be got his own establishment to rights, may consult the volume. The best parts of it are those that relate to the proceedings of the students.] Progressive Exercises for Advanced Students in Latin Composition. In three parts. With Notes and an Introduction. [The introduction to this volume gives an account of some general rules for arranging words and constructing periods in Latin composition : the first part contains passages from CICERO Euglished, which the student is to turn into Ciceronian Latin ; the second part contains exercises, taken from some Cicero- nian Latinists on the revival of learning as well as from Classical authors•' the selections from English writers, in the third part, are principally chosen from "The Spectator "; and foot-notes, gradually diminishing in numbers as the pupil is supposed to acquire practice, help him in any peculiarity of idiom or phrase. A key of 'some kind, directing reference to the original passages, and to some cases supplying them when from authors not readily at hand, would, we think, be useful; for the objection that it would induce students to " crib " scarcely applies to the class for whom this book is intended.] Practical Astronomy and Geodesy, including the Projections of the Sphere and Spherical Trigonometry. For the use of the Royal Mili- tary College. By JOHN NARRIEN, F.R.S. and R.A.S., Professor of Mathematics, &c., in the institution.

[We have on former occasions felt called upon to notice with praise the "Arithmetic and Algebra" and the " Geometry " of the author of this text- book; and the present appears fully equal in merit to either of its predecessors.

All the elementary problems of practical astronomy and geodesy with which even an advanced pupil requires to be familiar are given. The style of the

author is nervous and perspicuous, his illustration felicitous, and his algebraical and geometrical demonstration elegant. The work will form the taste of the scholar by example as well as store his mind with knowledge. In the preface,

Mr. BARRIER points out the importance of the branch of study to which the volume is devoted, to all, but especially, in the present circumstances of the British empire, to the young soldier. The tone of the preface conveys a pleasing impression of the spirit which animates the Institution for which it is compiled. It would lead one, apart altogether from the merits of the book, to congratulate the country on the possession of a military seminary where the young soldier's mind was so emphatically directed to objects of truly honour- able ambition.] An Elementary Treatise on Algebra, Theoretical and Practical. With an Appendix on Probabilities and Life Annuities. By J. R. YOUNG, Professor of Mathematics in Belfast College. Fourth edition, consider- ably enlarged. [Of course, a text-book which has reached a fourth edition must be a good one. The features of this new edition are—an increased number of examples, the addition of several new and interesting topics, a general extension of the practical parts, and the omission of the chapter on the Theory of the Higher Equations. The book has been more completely adapted to the wants of ele- mentary pupils and of schools. Perhaps, however, a new edition more nearly approaching to the original form of the work could still be wished, for the use of colleges and other institutions for more advanced education. The adoption of the first edition in the principal educational establishments of the United States, and in the colleges at the Cape of Good Hope and New South Wales, is encouraging.] The Life of Sir Thomas More. By the Right Honourable Sir Jima. MACKINTOSH.

[A very neat reprint from " Lardner's Cyclopiedia," in a style which com- bines the quaintness of the old mode of printing with the distinct elegance of modern typography. A speaking head of MORE is prefixed to the volume.]

Stein's Royal Pictorial Primer.


History of France. By M. MICIIELET. Translated by WALTER B. KELLY. Part I. (Foreign Library.) [This is another translation of M. MICHELET'S History of France. It chiefly differs from an edition of the same work we noted a short time since as appear- ing in Messrs. WHITTAKER'S " Popular Library," by being printed in one broad page instead of in double columns, and by being somewhat dearer. The price of the " Foreign Library" is, indeed, six shillings; that of the "Popular Library " only three shillings and sixpence, though it contains rather more of the text : but the illustrations to each book will in the latter work be pub- lished all together ; in the former, they are inserted in their place.] The Mysteries of London. By G. W. M. REYNOLDS. Parts L and II. [A concoction of Newgate Calendar horrors and fashionable villanies, in emu- lation of the "Mysteries of Paris," but more akin to AINSWORTH than to EUGENE SUE. Descriptions of the thieves-den lately discovered in an old house in West Street, and of the " Black" room at the Post-office with the process of opening letters, give a gloss of novelty to stale materials, in which rogues' slang and the miseries of vice and crime predominate.]


The Illuminated Calendar and Home Diary, for 1845.

[Noticed under the head of Fine Arts.]

The Christmas Tree; a Present from Germany. [The " Christmas Tree" of Germany bids fair to flourish in the hospitable climate of in-door England, since it has been planted in the Palace. And this seasonable publication, giving various accounts of the festive ceremonials with which Christmas is celebrated in Germany, and the lighting up of the " Christmas Tree," will incite " Young England" to follow the example of Saxon Fatherland.]


The Railway Register, and Record of Engineering and Public Enter- prise, No. I.