14 DECEMBER 1844, Page 8


On the 2d December, at Greenhorn Lodge, Berke, the Wife of ARCHER J. Catlin, Esq., of a daughter. On the 3d, at Upton Castle, Pembrokeshire, the Lady of the Rev. W. P. EVANS, of a SOU.

On the 5th, at Leecroft Lodge, Hurst, Mrs. ALBERT T. CREASY, of a daughter.

On the 6th, at York Place, Edinburgh, Mrs. Gru.um, of Middleton Hall, Belford, Northuinberland, of a son.

On the 8th, at Broughton Rectory. Heats, the Wife of the Rev. HANLARE Les, of a sons On the 10th, in Rutland Square, Edinburgh, Mrs. CAMPBELL, of Aucbindarroch, of daughter. Ou the 10th, at Daventry, the Lady of the Rev. CHARLES CLARKE, of a daughter. On the 11th, at Hams Hall, Coleshill, the Hon. Mrs. ADDERLEY, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

On the 11th October. at St. John's Church, Meerut, Captain EDGAR MOOED MOON. noose, Thirty-fifth Regiment of Light Infantry, Officiating Pension Paymaster at Meerut and Hooper, to MARY ANN, eldest daughter of Dr. A. Daviosos, Tenth Light Cavalry. On the 3.1 December. at Claybrook, FREDERICK R. SPACEMAN, M.B., of Harpenden, Herta, to CAROLINE Haatityrr, eldest daughter of the Rev. R. H. JOHNSON, M.A., Rector of Lutterwortli, and Vicar of Claybrook, Leicestershire.

On the 51h, at Barubarroch, Wigtonshire, EDMUND RICHARD JEFFREYS, Esq., Major iu the Eighty-eighth Regiment, to MART, daughter of the late Colonel Vass Aoraw, C.B., of Barubarroch, and Shenchan.

On the 10th, at Rockbeare, FRANCIS D. Dam Lieutenant-Colonel of the Fourth (Queen's Own) Light Dragoons, to SARAH ANNE, only daughter of H. F. BIDQOOD, Esq., of Rockbeare Court, Devon. On the 10th, at St. John's, Holloway, THOMAS ROBERT, only son of T. ,D. DUTTON, Esq., of Atthorpe Lodge, Garrott, Surrey, to GEORGIANA SYDDALL, daughter of W. DUERDIN, Esq., of Tollingtou Park. Middlesex. On the 10th, at St. Mary's Church, Bryanaton Square, ROBERT JOHN, eldest son of ROBERT RAMSDEN, Esq., of Carlton Hall, Notts, to MARY MATILDA, eldest surviving daughter of the late Rev. HENRY GIPPS, of Hereford. On the 10th, at Rendcombe, Sous WINGFIELD STRATFORD, Esq., only son of the Hon. John Wingfield Stratford, of Addington Place, Kent, to JANE ELIZABETH, youngest daughter of Lieut.-Gen. Sir JOHN GUrsx, Bart., of Rendcombe Park, Gloucestershire. Ou the 11th, at St. George's, Hanover Square, PHILIPPE FERDINAND Airwaves DX ROHAN, Count Da JARNAC, eldest son of the Viscount and Viscountess Ds Clunor, to the Hun. GERALDINE AUGUSTA FOLEY, daughter of the late and sister of the present Lord Foley. Os the t2th. at Burnham, Norfolk, HoHarro GIRDLESTONE, Esq., of Hanley, Stag fordshire, great-nephew of the late Admiral Viscount Nelson, to ELLEN CATHERINE, youngest daughter of the late Sir WILLIAM BOLTON, Captain R.N. Ou the 12th. at Prestou-next-Faversham, J. HENRY VINABLES, Esq., son of the Vene- rable Archdeacon Venables, of Llysdinan Hall, Breconshire, to SOPHIA, daughter of GILES HILTON, Esq., of Preston House, near Faversham, Keut.


Ou the 18th September, at Shikarpore, in Seinde, Brevet Captain WILLIAM TIMBRELL, of the bengal Horse Artillery ; in his 31st year. Ou the 28:6, before the fort of Samaugliur, Lieutenant WILLIAM POWLETT SHARE.. SPEARS, Second European Infantry.

On the 10th October, at Balicherries, near Petocuar. Bombay, FRANCIS HENRY DENYS, Lieutenant of the First Light Cavalry (Lancers), son of Sir George William Denys, Bart , of Stratford Place.

On the 14th, at Meerut, Captain D. MELLISH. of the Tenth Bengal Cavalry. On the 17th, at Cawnpore, East Indies, Captain CHARLES W. JAMES, of her Majesty's Fiftieth Regiment of Foot ; in his 37th year. Ou the 25th November, in Abbey Street, Carlisle, 11. COST, Esq. ; is his 91st year.- • On the 2d December, at Bognor, Sir Isaac WILSON, M.D. and F.R.S., for many :ears Physician to the Royal Naval Hospitals at Plymouth and Hasler, and Domestic Physician to their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Dutchess of Kent ; inhis 88th year: On the 4th, at Paris, the Dowager Lady FLOYD, mother of Lady Peel.

On the 6th. in Park Street, Grosvenor Square, Maar ANNE, eldest daughter of the late Right Hon. Sir JOHN NICHULL ; iu her 52d year.

Oa the 6th, at Brentford, Jumerra LYDIA, the last surviving daughter of the late Mrs. TRIMMER; ill her 78th year. On the 7th, at South Hill Park, the Right Hon. the Earl of LIMERICK ; in his 87th year. On the 8111, suddenly, at South Hill Park, while ou a visit toithe late Earl of Lime- rick, MARTIN TUPPER, Esq., F.A.S., of New Burlington Street ; in his 65th year. On the 801, at Midway Terrace, Exeter, the Rev. Jolts Torsum., Rector of Hittisleigb, Devon.

On the 80i, at Kingston, Oxfordshire. the Con. MARY Cmsair.x, widow of the late Richard Clerke, Esq., and daughter of Thomas first Lord Foley ; in her 95th year. On the 9th, at Clapham New Park, Major WILLIAM ilxany Gsors, late of the Thirty-third Regiment ; in his 49th year.

Ou the 9th. in childhed, at Adelaide Crescent, Brighton, the Lady Er.u.urain Pen- SONS, the Wife of the Hon. Lawrence Parsons.

On the 12th, at the Governor's House, Greenwich Hospital, the Hon. and Rev. RICHARD BRUCE ST,,PFORD. Canon of Windsor, and Rector of Barton Seagrave, North- amptonshire; in his 70th year. Os the 1201, at his residence near Richmond, the Hon. HENEAOE Limos, brother of the Earl of Dartmouth; in his 57th year.