14 DECEMBER 1850, Page 18

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t4 APOrtfiirt-r. ..41106, W4.4tf LudiefooGinistonlictfifif.ifoganioNekaD se0MS,, Oen Ottilk,MteAlOitc-geliallairZasill4igbE4Yafre,ito,fftuth lat. colonel Avilusmasm•i, _ , ki•oftle, ' '',., _Mini,' ,hooD Donn .insrinT On. • 8th, aisClifton ChurchsSI a;AeriryffittileilrildestAiminf ShiSelbAliztarks Bar4, 9-Catherine Henrietta,. the t deughtersetBolonalLechmite Worth* BengniCevalry. . Isis' •.,,a On-the 4.th December, at. Ilandrinio, LieutenantsColortel Thorndikei of the Royal Artillery, to Isabella liussell, only daughter of the lieu. John Russell, M.A., Rector

of Llandrinio, near Osvrestry. . •

On the 5t11,:at-Wallasey Church, Cheshire, Captain Charles Egerton, R.N., son of Wilbraham Egerton,. Esq., of•Ttitton Park, to Margaret, datmhter of Colonel-the Hon. Sir. Edward Gust, of Leasowe.Castles .. On. the 10th, at St.. Michael's, Chester Square, Henry Wollaston Blake, .Esq:; son of William Blake, Esq., of Portland Place,. and Datiesbury, Hertfordshire,.-to Charlotte Anne, eldest daughter of John Walbanke Childers, Esq., M.P., of Cantley, Yorkshire and Eaton- Square. On the Yorkshire, Doyen 'Thomas Beaver, Esq.,. eldest son of,Sir T. III Beevor, Bart., of Hargham Hall, Norfolk, to Sophia Jane, Widow of the late. T. Jenny Jermy„Esq., pf Stanfield Hall, in the same county. , • On the 10th, at Eertop,. near. „Faversham, the Reis C. Frederick Newell, MA., Incumbent of Broadstiairs, Kent, to Anne Elizabeth,youngest daughter of the Hight Hon. S. It. Lushington, of Norton Cond.


On the 13th October, at ITnaritsir, in the Punjab,- George Forbes M`Leod, Esq., Civil Service; youngest son of Major-GeneralDuntan 31,Leod, Bengal Engineers ; in

Ids 25th year. • • . .

On the 26th November, at-Malta, on his way home from India, Sir Francis Ford, Bart., Captainduthe Twentieth Regiment Bombay N. I. ;-in in his 32d year. On the 28th, fn Park-Street, Grosvenor Square, Mrs. Ann lizard, a faithful ser- vant and friend of Morton Lord Henley for forty years ; in her'92d year. On the 2d December, at Bidlindalloch Castle; Sir John'Maepherson-Grant, of Ballixidalloch• and Invereshie, Bart. On the-5th, at Oaddesdenbury, Herta, Captain Hoare,•It.M. ; in his 57th year. ' On the 7thimt the Vicarage,. Rochdale,. Harriet,. Wife of J. E. N. Mokswortb, DD., and sister of W. A. Mackinnon, Esq.,. H.P. for Lymington.

On the 9th, at Wimborne, Dorset, LientenantsColonel Thornhill, formerly of the Seventh Hussars.

• OnsthelOtit,.at-Irutney, biles' Ballantine. • - Lately; in-Persia, Ahneric-Itandolph Wood, youngest surviving son..of the late Rev: William, Wood, and Attaeheto the, British Embassy at Constantinople ; in' hie 28th year.