14 DECEMBER 1850, Page 4


It is currently reported that Sir A. B. Brooke, Bart., 11.P., will be raised to the Peerage; and that Colonel Cole, M.P. for Enniskillen, and Captain Archdall, M.P., will be the County Members to represent the new constituency in Parliament.—.Ennkkilko ReporteP. The threatened county meetings in Ireland as a set-off agitation against the No-Popery movement in England would seem to have begun with a demonstration in Mayo county, at which a large number of Catholic gon-

try were present . Mr..IfomtkilfiPt for the county, presided ; and Mr. Ousely Higgins, the other M.P111Or tjuabansityoneved the first resolu-

tic.--Aaway, • • ahlo.K. ilhoZ '10 1', . ".rattethtsJneetutge,PPrest94allg AMPIPONA041fir ,it!A,..-41111(InX1 thousand Catholics inithis coun$yi on a late. letter from Lord Joluilliisae - ' jAivihr,,,, he abuses his high station • 4religious animo- sities among her an ex. s 10, portion of the

inhabitants Wet' and the fury of

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detertaine Misairafridnrife—lil denim:116f fer" rtg lord' John RuseelVdflth#114,MbitificiPi liot-hiel ill "gill tb.-pre- sent a.thriliokill96 tatititi8etif'ilitt 4118 Tiiiirigiefibb'uncals a Minister in whom the people of cif 'fide-66441nd whoni they can no -longer Support/adthilionottm noad • • • ••• 1, 1 The lead-mine recently, disooverdd, ,near ?the ten. elf. C.teilway is to be brought under practical operation immediatelyi, by parties with whom Mr. Jones, the owner of the soil, has come to.terms ; and it is announced that at least one hundred men will be placed at work there by the let of January.

The Limerick Chronicle narrates a gallant and successful struggle of a gentleman with a band of assassins. "Tuesday sennight, about five o'clock, as John Lowe, Esq., D.L., Rockbarton, accompanied by his servant, was re- turning on an outside car from Ballylanders, .where he had been collecting rents, he was attacked near Kilrush by five armed men, who ,lumped over a ditch upon the road-side, and called upon him to pull up ; which he refused to do; whereupon two of the party presented their guns at him, but fortu- nately misfired. The horse was moving at . . slow pace, and another of the ruffians rushed to the side of the car where Mr. Lowe sat, and again pre- sented; but that gentleman instantly.struekdown the muzzle and sprung oft' the car, levelling his assailant, whom he fell upon; and while down a fourth ruffian broke a gun across his shoulders, and-the other would have blown his brains out but for the servant, Simon CLuichy, who with a loaded whip tumbled the villain who aimed - at his master. On, raising him from the ground, Mr. Lowe was fully determined to continue the struggle; which the cowardl miscreants observing, decamped, and the heroic gentleman pro-

ceed ome in safety. Next morning a pistol, loaded with slugs, was found at a di h-side where the attack took place."

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