14 DECEMBER 1850, Page 7

The• Smithfield Club closed -their cattle-show in-Baker Street, yesterday evenin g ,

with the usual dinner The Duke of Richmond presided, and was supported by a. miscellaneous phalanx of members from all shades of party; including the Earl of Hardwicke, Colonel Sibthorp, Mr. J. Vil- lers' Shelley, and Mr. fifechi. The Chairman congratulated the society on the honour done to them by the Queen and Prince Albert in visiting the show on Monday ; and 'stated that Weirs are so prosperous that the prizes can be paid out of yearly subscriptions without encroachment on capital, and yet a considerable fund be appropriated for a largo extension of the show next year. The Earl of llardwicke struck out a bold inno- vating plan of competition, believing that the present mode of awarding the prizes does not select and compare the true criteria of excellence— It cannot at present be told with certainty how long the animals have been under feeding, how they were fed, or what was their real age. The proper method would be, to take the animals when they are lean, put them up to- gether, and feed them upon the same food; and then it will be ascertained by the speed with which they fatten which animal is of the best blood. He-was prepared to put up his animals under that system, though he was aware it might be attended with some difficulties; and he challenged all England to compete with him.