14 DECEMBER 1912, Page 14


wish it could be possible in some way or other to take a census of Conservative Free Traders. I am firmly convinced their number is large, and the result would surely bring home to the extremist Tariff Reformers the advisability of going slow. If on the other hand they proved to he comparatively few in number, we of that persuasion would, I fancy, more readily and cheerfully acquiesce in the situation for the sake of the larger questions involved. It should be a question of organization chiefly, and therefore just one of expense ; a subscription list for the purpose should meet with a ready response. At any rate, as the situation is at present, success in the next General Election in sufficient measure is almost an impossibility. The recall of the Referendum pledge has done incalculable harm.—I am, Sir, &e., ARTHUR JAMES.

High ground, Heswall, by Birkenhead.