14 DECEMBER 1912, Page 2

The Liverpool Courier, the chief Unionist organ in Lanca- shire

and a very strong Tariff Reform paper, published on Thursday a long and vehement article on Lord Lansdowne's withdrawal of the Referendum pledge in connexion with Tariff Reform. " No single item of Unionist policy," says the writer, " should be allowed to jeopardize Unionist success at the General Election. Yet that is precisely what Tariff Reform will do, unless Lord Lansdowne renews the Referendum pledge. Without that pledge we cannot succeed in Lancashire and Yorkshire; without Lancashire and Yorkshire we cannot secure a working majority." The writer goes on to describe the dejection within the Unionist Party caused by Lord Lansdowne's speech—" in the Lobby of the House of Com- mons, in the political clubs, in the editorial rooms of the great Unionist organs, in the offices of the Unionist agents, in the working men's associations scattered up and down the country—everywhere you will find it." The writer says that it is perfectly certain that the Liberals will fight the next election with one voice. Their cry will be, "Hands off the people's food ! " And with that cry they will be able to win yet another election.