14 DECEMBER 1918, Page 14


(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sur,—Limavady is a town of only two thousand seven hundred inhabitants, but it is, I believe, the first town in Ireland which has made arrangements for a war memorial, and it was also one of the first to respond to the country's call for service. The memorial is to take the form of a building containing a free library, reading and recreation rooms, to be erected in memory of the fallen, as a tribute to those who volunteered for active service, and as a thankoffering for those who were spared. It is intended to expend about £2,500 in the construction of the building. I do not appeal for funds, but, knowing the interest which you and many of your readers take in the proper and suitable construction of such a memorial, I ask for suggestions for the architectural details. Any such sug- gestions would be most helpful, not only for this particular memorial, but for others of a similar nature.—I am, Sir, &c., Gorteen, Limavady, Co. Londonderry. E. M. F.-G. Bona [We have to make a rule against printing local appeals, however good the objects, lest we should be overwhelmed. As, however, our correspondent does not ask for subscriptions, but only for advice, and on a point which is now engaging a great deal of anxious attention, we make an exception, and shall be glad, as far as space allows, to publish suggestions which May be helpful.—ED. Spectator:1