14 DECEMBER 1929, Page 35

There is ample choice for all tastes in the Christmas

numbers of Nash's Pall Mall Magazine and Good Housekeeping, pub- lished by the National Magazine Company (Is. 6d. each). When we are given a list of contributors (as in the case of the Pall Mall Magazine) which includes H. G. Wells, Fanny Hurst, John Galsworthy, Aldous Huxley, Sinclair Lewis, Harold Nicolson, and an article on '1'.1otsky by the Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, the reviewer's critical abilities are defeated. In the Christmas number of Good Housekeeping the list of contributors is almost as formidable, including a short story by Walter de la Mare, and articles by Stella Benson, OCIIICTICC Dane, and other writers of distinction.

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