14 DECEMBER 1929, Page 42


Not the least interesting among modern fusions and com- bines is the forniation of the Amalgamated Metal Corporation Limited, which is to acquire all or part of the Share or Loan .eapital-or assets or undertaking of the British Metal Corpor- ation and Henry Gardner & Co., Ltd. The company will have a nominal capital of £5,000,000, and the directorate is a dis- tinctly influential one, the Chairman being Sir Auckland Geddes, while other members of the directorate will include Messrs. H. & W. Gardner, and Mr. C. V. Sale, the plesent chairman of the British Metal Corporation. The merger will, it is believed, fill a gap in the chain of Empire interests hitherto associated with the British Metal Corporation. Sir Auckland Geddes is chairman of the Rio Tinto Company, while Megsrs. 'Henry Gardner & Co. possess a substantial connexion in Canada.