14 FEBRUARY 1903, Page 3

We note with great satisfaction that a Royal Commission has

been appointed to inquire into the means of locomotion and transport in London. The Commission will deal with the possibilities of improvement by "the development and inter-connection of railways and tramways on or below the surface," by the introduction of other forms of mechanical locomotion, and by better provision for the organisation and regulation of all traffic. The Commission will also consider the question of establishing a Railway Com- mission for London, which will have referred to it all railway and tramway schemes. We have already pointed out the necessity of a system of control by which traffic throughout the Metropolis will be dealt with by a definite scheme applying everywhere. At present the control exercised depends not so much on definite principles as on the energy of individual police- men. The rounding of all corners, the increase of the number of the police, the provision of well-lit subways, the use of self- propelled vehicles, and the general superintendence of the whole subject by one man with no other duties are the points that require attention. The Commissioners, it should be added, have been very carefully selected.