14 FEBRUARY 1914, Page 15


[To tun EDITOR or ras "sracrsras."] Sin,—In the review of A Confederate Girl's Diary in the Spectator of January 17th the writer uses the expression, " We think the Southern cause was wholly wrong." This opinion is in agreement with the editorial position of the Spectator both during and since the Civil War. It would, I think, much gratify your American readers, who have great confidence in and respect for the Spectator, if you could be induced to set forth in a brief article the principal grounds for this opinion to which you have so long and so steadfastly adhered. It would be interesting to compare your version of history with that of Mr. Charles Francis Adams of Massa. chusetts, on whom the University of Oxford recently conferred a Doctor's degree, and who is now lecturing on the Civil War at the Johns Hopkins University in this city.—I am, Sir, dce.,

[We can do what our correspondent asks in a dozen words. We are Unionists, and we hate slavery as the greatest of crimes.—En. Spectator.