14 FEBRUARY 1914, Page 2

In the region of foreign affairs there is not very

much to record except the renewed intervention of Roumania in the politics of the Balkans. It is understood that she has intimate to the Porte that ebe could not remain a disinterested spectator of any quarrel between Greece and Turkey over the Aegean Islands. Thus once again Roumania acts as a steady- ing power to prevent the Balkan States from either devouring each other or being devoured by their old enemy. Not un- naturally the action of Roumania has given rise to further rumours to the effect that an actual alliance has 'been made between Roumania, Berrie, and Greece. That there is a working understanding we do not doubt, but probably an actual alliance would be considered too provocative, both as regards Anatria,-Hungary and Turkey. It is pleasant to be able to record that the omens point to Greece respecting the wishes of Europe in regard to the evacuation of Southern Albania. One more item of news is to be recorded. The Sovereign of Albania is to be a King, not a Prince.