14 FEBRUARY 1969, Page 24

The freedom to die

Sir: What an appalling prospect for any elderly person heading for hospital if John Rowan Wil- son (7 February) has his way. No longer it seems can the person assume his doctors will be work- ing unceasingly for his recovery, for should the case be decided to be 'incurable' there is the possibility that these gentlemen will be quite prepared to abandon it by killing him off.

Can anyone seriously believe that the medical profession is, has been, or is ever likely to be - infallible as to what is incurable or is in the position to say who is better off dead? Unfor- tunately one can too readily believe the pres- sures—fear of increased pain, the worry and stress caused to relatives—that would induce a sick person into signing away -his life in these circumstances.

It is some relief to learn that the sponsors of this Bill intend to allow for a doctor to refuse to take part in this act of euthanasia. But if anyone should be-segregated I suggest it should be the medical men who decide to join this murder squad, for that is precisely what it is. George Nicholson 4 Lowndes Street, London SW1