14 FEBRUARY 1969, Page 25

Sir: As an admirer. of Simon Raven's, I'itvas sorry that

his article (3 January) did not in fact give us common sense about colour. It seemed to me muddled and evasive, when the facts are extremely simple.

(1) The majority of people in Britain want to remove the coloured immigrants, not be- cause of what they have done but because they are coloured. This is racial prejudice.

(2) Though assisted repatriation might help a, little, the coloured immigrants cannot be effectively removed except by expulsion or genocide.

(3) No conceivable Btitisb government could either expel or murder the coloured population.

(4) The only course is therefore for decent and intelligent people by word and deed to diminish prejudice. Anything else incites in- evitable hatred and violence.

Ken Taylor Lambesso House, St Clement, Truro, Corn- wall