14 JANUARY 1832, Page 9

,Ontall EMI. • - Mr. William - Vesey Fitzgerald, by the

recent death of his mother, the Baroness Fitzgerald, has succeeded to the dignity of an Irish peer- age, the barony of Fitzgerald and Vesey, His Lordship's father, the Right Honourable James Fitzgezald, still survives, at a very advanced age.

The death of Mr. John Martin occasions a.vaeancy in the represen- tation of Tewkesbury. Mr. Millbury Tracy is spoken of as his suc- cessor. • Mr. Morrison, the worthy member for Ipswich, has remitted 100/. to be distributed among the necessitous poor of that town.

The Earl of Dudley distributed, on Christmas-Eve, to one hun- dred and thirty poor families of Himlev and its ucighbouthood, three tine fat oxen, with three hundred and liity loaves of bread ; from four hundred to five hundred - poor people were each day during Christmas *week served with meat, bread, cheese, soup, and beer.; and a large mini- her' of good blankets have also been (ha-tribute(' to , the 'poor of the same parish.

On Saturday last, five fat cows, witlr a proportionate quantity of breed, were given to the poor of the town and pariSh of Bishop's Castle, by order of Earl Powis.

A field of six acres and a half was last week allotted in moils on the Countess de Grey's estate, to the industrious poor of Parson's Heath, in the parish of Grinstead. . . _

Presents to public servants seem to be getting into &shim). The balld of the Dublin theatre have presented their leader, Mr. W. Poison, with an elegant chased snuff-box; "as a token 'of respect ;" and Captain .Polhill, of Drury Lane, has presented Mr. Widlack, his stage manager, with a handsome. silver salver, •" as a testimony of his esteem." We admire these tokens and testimonies exceedingly. As we have a nu- merous company to manage, and a band to lead which is by no means easily kept either to tune or time,—.and as, by their joint acknowledg- ment, our labours and success are equally meritorious and remarkable,— we entertain a certain hope that a snuffbox or two and half a dozen of handsome silver- salvers-will make their way sonic fine Morning during the ensuing session to No 9. We will write time address ourselves. ..,.


.14IBERNIAN FLIGHL—A case was about to he tried on Wednesday at the Old Bailey, but was stopped from the incapacity of the prosecu- tor- to spell his own name " Didgman." • .Mr. Charles Phillips was counsel for the prisoner. 'After a considerable diseussion, the Judge, Mr. Sergeant Arabi'', Said—" Well, then, we must have a fresh indict- ment; .but. I hope that the Irishmen will in future learn how to spell their names properly." To which Mr. Phillips responded—" And, my Lord, I hope that in future, those who have token every thing fro the Irish will find schools and provide teachers to instruct them.' What may' be the amount of Mr. Charles Phillips's losses by that Wholesale plunderer Saxon England? ' . . i


The Society of.Arts at Mentz have reiolved upon erecting a m- ment in that town to the memory of Guttenberg., the inventor of the glorious art of printing. In announcing this design, they "express a confidence that it will be supported, not only by the contributions of his fellow-countrymen,- but by • the -grateful munifieence of every civilized people in Europe."

Chief Justice Tindal's •charge has been published,' and the Home Office is transmitting copies to all the Magistrates. • A letter received from Dover on Thursday, notices the arrival and departure of British and foreign messengers during the present week to have been almost unprecedented. Three Russian cour:ers from Prince Lieven, for Paris and St. Petersburg, passed through that place within the same number of days ; and arriving, in some instances, after the sail- ing of the packet, they hired boats specially- to convey them across the Channel, their orders being to travel' with all expedition.

The French Minister of War lately transmitted instructions to the. commanders of different corps, relative to the mode of proceeding against soldiers guilty of drunkenness. In future, they are not to be -reprimanded or punished when drunk, but on the following day, when the fumes of wine have entirely evaporated. A very violent fever, of the typhus kind, has been raging in Basing- hall Street for the last few weeks; which we arc sorry to announce proved fatal to no less than seventy gentlemen in the course of Wedne-- day. From the hour of eleven in the morning' the whole atmosphere in the neighbourhood appeared to be affected. About one O'clock, the fever seemed to rage with the utmost force : the unfortunate gentlemen dropped off, one after another, in fearful rapidity, and at midnight no less than the above enormous -number of seventy had fallen victims.— Times. [From an inspection of. the bodies of the departed Seventy, it Wits evident that cholera, not typhus was the cause of this disaster. The blueness of aspect was particularly conspicuous, and the shrinking

of the muscles in many of the sufferers quite extraordinary.] -

At a wedding held last Thursday,: on the estate of Nairn, there were not less than fiV0 hundred men and women assembled. The first col- lection made on the green amounted to 304 besides 3/. 13§: 6d. to the malicious. . The wedding feast laSted for the better part ef three days.—Glasgow Chronicle.

The lady of James Grogan, Esq. of Dublin, has given birth to three children, two sons and a daughter, who, with their mother, are doing well. This increase in Mr. Grogan's family is the more remark- able, from there having been no previous offspring, although the parties have been married upwards of sixteen years.

IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE PROM IttELAND.—The Marquis of An- glesey concludes a letter written a few days since to a gentleman of this county, with these remarkable words, " I have no doubt that the Lords will pass the Bill."—Caernarvon Herald.

THE SCHOOLMASTER REGNANT.—Ill the Principality of Schwarz- bourg-Sondershausen, Germany, an ordinance has been issued, which decrees that parents who neglect sending their children to school, with- out sufficient reason, shall be liable to certain fines, their names shall be published in the journal of Public Instruction, and for the third offence they shall be committed to prison.

The younger son of the late General Miranda fell on the 26th of last April, in an action near Cirinsa ( Colombia), a victim to the ven- geance of Moreno. " He died," says a letter from Jamaica, " after a most gallant defence, in the twenty-fifth year of his age, sincerely de- plored by all who knew him."

The Saint Simonians have made a valuable acquisition, in the person of a young German prince, who has resigned to them all his private fortune, amounting to 400,000 francs, and only reserved for himself a pension for life for his maintenance, cf which the Pope of the order is to fix the sum, according to the young man's merit.

" Pray, Mr. Abernethy, what is a cure for gout ?" was the question of an indolent and luxurious citizen. " Live upon sixpence a day—and earn it," was the pithy answer.—Annual Biography.

--Oft- Tuesday last, eight apples, called Roundtops, measuring from / two to three inches in eircumfereneeweregathereti from a tree at Adber, near Marston, Somerset:...4VierfroThr7durstal.._