14 JANUARY 1832, Page 5

tbr eatintro.


THIS important court-martial commenced on Monday, in the Mer- chant's Hall. The members of court took their places a little after eleven o'clock, when their names were called over. Colonel Brereton then entered, and the warrant for the trial was read. The members of the Court and the Judge-Advocate were then sworn. The fol- lowing are the names of the Members— Generals Sir Henry Vane, Lord Burgliersh, Sir John Ross, Sir C. Bruce. Colonels Lygon, Life Guards; Warburton,85th; Duffy,Unattitebed; Lambert,Grenatlier Guards; Arnold, Engineers; Forster, Artillery. lieutenant-Colonels Keyt, 84th; Grey, 8d Dragoon Guards; Chatterton, 4th Dragoons; Clarke, 7th Dragoons; Arnold Thompson, Esq. 81st Regiment, Deputy-Judge Advocate, Sir H. Fate, the President, then stated the form of procedure- " The prosecutor would make his statement, and selduce his evidence, which would be cross-examined by Colonel Brereton. After this, he would ask as a favour, that if any member of the Court had a question to propose, he would put it in writing., and give it to the Judge-Advo- cate, who would put the question to the witness."

Colonel Brereton having pleaded Not Guilty to each of the charges, the list of witnesses was read over ; and, by a regulation which it would be well to observe on all occasions of trial, all witnesses were ordered out of court until their names were called.

Major-General D'Albiac, who acts as prosecutor on the occasion, then addressed the Court. He said— The Bristol riots, with their disgraceful consequences, had been the theme of discussion in every public and private society throughout the kingdom. They had been canvassed by all ; and ascribed by some to one cause and by some to another. Smile there were who attributed all the blame to the civil authori- ties; others there were who declared the blame imputable to the military alone. All, however, agreed that in some quarter or other there was great culpability. These circumstances, joined with the important circumstances of the case itself, had fixed upon these proceedings the attention of the entire public, as well as of the army. The intensity of this interest was such as had rarely attached to any occurrence that ever came under the cognizance of a military tribunal. This was also kept alive by another circumstance—i. e. that never was there a case, the leading facts and circumstances of which were less dis- tinctly known or understood, and yet there never was a case in which the pub- lic had a right to a fuller investigation. He would say, that the course of this trial must bring before the Court questionswhich incidentally involved a matter ef the highest consideration—he meant the due concert and cooperation between the civil and military bodies on occasions of riots or disturbances, which re- quired for their suppression the aid of the military arm. Questions of this kind must constantly arise in this discussion ; and certainly questions more mo- mentous could not be raised. They affected both the military and moral con- duct of the soldier ; and they still more strongly affected the preservation of peace and property, and, indeed, touched upon every subject that was dear to civilized society. Nor could such events, even with reference to military duty alone, be deemed by the Court as of light moment. Up to the present moment, it might be said that the Bristol riots had been left without any examination. The conduct of Colonel Brereton had, indeed, been submitted to a preliminary investigation before a Court of Inquiry, of which he (Sir C. D'Albiac) had the honour to be president. The functions of such a tribunal were rather like those of a grand jury; they were private; and their object was simply to ascer- tain whether there was sufficient cause for particular inquiry, and for exposing an officer of rank to the trouble and disgrace of a trial like the present. The person inculpated was not allowed to be present, except through the indulgence of the Court.

The prosecutor alluded to the exclusion of the public press from the Court of Inquiry ; which, he said, had received the approbation of superior authority. He adverted to the extent of the evidence— .

It was proper he should tell the Court, that this trial would impose upon them no ordinary weight of labour and anxiety. The evidence would be very heavy, more from the number of persons to be examined than from the nature of the evidence to be adduced : nothing, however, should be wanting on his part to endeavour at such a classification RS would render it simple and perspi- cuous. It was necessary also to say, that the evidence would refer to the space of three whole nights and two days of almost perpetual riot and alarm : occa- sional discrepancies in the evidence as to the time and subordinate circumstances must therefore occur. He, however, anticipated no difficulty in reconciling these minor differences with the great features of the events that had taken place; nor had he any idea that the evidence on any of the charges would be


invalidated by such slight differences as might appear n the testimony of parti- cular persons.

The prosecutor dwelt on his freedom from prejudice and partiality, with more force than was perhaps required : he is neither a witness nor a judge, and his prejudices and partialities, if he entertained any, would be harmless against everybody but himself. " He concluded by an elaborate account of the various charges," say the reporters : but this part of his speech they omit from want of time. We are punctually in- formed of the number of ladies that crowded the court, "whose ap- pearance and manners were in the highest degree prepossessing," and of the arrangement of the tables in it, and of a box which was promised to the reporters but which was not forthcoming, and many other par- ticulars: but these were important matters, and demanded time for their description. The first witness called was Mr. Sergeant Ludlow, Town-Clerk of Bristol. He stated, that orders were green to clear the streets and disperse the mob; and that, in his opinion, Colonel Brereton did not

execute these orders so promptly and effectually as he might have dope. The particular facts on which this judgment was founded were stated by the learned Sergeant— When Colonel Brereton and the troops came to the Mansionhouse door, the people on the outside were engaged in battering the front door. They had bet- tered in one of the windows On the ground floor, and some of them lieul entered into the dining-room. The intmediate effect oithe arrival of the troops was he remove them from the front of tlie Mansionhouse, but they did not withdraw far. I repeatedly noticed that after the people had withdrawn from the streety, while the soldiers were passing, they returned again to the front and very &ol- d the Mansionhouse innnediately after the troops hail passed. A great many stones were thrown at the windows, and the indication- and violence did not appear to me to decrease materially. Colonel lbereton occasionally went down stairs, and returned. He said that the people appear...I to N. very good humoured, and he had no doubt he could walk them ;tway by merely walking the horses about. Two of the soldiers of the 14th havn.g .been brought io wouuded, one of them yery seriously ; I asked Colueel Brengel' it' he thought these were symptoms of good humour. 1 observed Jo), that the nod eapi wart '1 increasing rather than lessening., and intimated to Itim that it would Ile ec.indee to get the city quiet at that time at night. I camp tell exactly w hat the an- swers were but they induced me to ask him whether he bad any secret in- structions from the force Oita; IS, to prevent hiet fr■ ens a r tending t%■ the ilinai- tions of the Magistrates. I le " My directions are to ;Li ttgla enler i the Magistrates." I then said, the Mayor aud several magistrates being i ii t dining.roone " Your directions are immediately tat clear the streets, and get tIte City quiet as soon as you can." Some sort of into-anent was made by the tneie into the interior of the square where the people had collected. The treo!,-; drove them out, and after that the people went inte the courts ilii from of ti houses. They again cecasionally came in front of ; I i lansionhonse, and cot:- tinned in part the same sort of conduct which prevailed in the early part t.f rt,t evening. In short, they were not dispersed. Late in the evening, toehold./ eleven o'clock, an officer came into the Mansionhouse : Colonel Brereton was in the room at the time. The officer stated that his troops were receiving con- siderable annoyanoe in one of the streets near the Mansumhouse, the situatitto of which he described. He said that the lamps had been put out ; that it was quite dark ; and that the people, when followed by the soldiers had retreab.1 into smile boats that were lying in the river, where of course the troops couid not follow. He said he wisled to fire a few ball cartridges in that direction. One of the iiIagistrates said, there were probably it gaud maul, marker-people there, mid that they were probably the market bo:as, and it woad be desirable ro avoid injuring those persons if possible. One of the gentlemen present said, "1. t me have tweety-five men, and be supportol by the troops, and I will uudertalsi. to go down azol dislodge the people from the boats." Colonel Brereton said, " It you take toy advice, you'll let them alone. t is getting very late, and if vu don't disturb them, they %%ilt go home to bed." Some observations were tleta made on the nt.cessity of getting the city into a state of quietness ; to Ivhith Colonel Brereton answered, that his roen should patrol the streets during- f

nip,ift, and he would be answerable for the peave id tile c'ik' 1 he officer of the 14th went and so did Colonel Brereten. ;eel 1 saw no more vf him der night. Coloeul firereton dii ikit protest against, or la ally re,lpeet dispute Sergeall

Ludlow's authority as t I of the Magist The square was in a great measure, if nut entirely, (lea :1 when he left, and the pttyle had then gone It the streets in the neig.:Ibouri.it ; the people were riotous and not making

so nanch noise, or he ,tiottilti tt have bit tile city.

Sergeant Ludlow was itt.ttss-exa mined iv; 'ttit;ttt1 111,,r,ttem iii Tues• day. The evidencrt did vt,i: materially differ flana that ‘viti,th was give ii on the examination in cl Colonel Brereton fretpteto!y ,taid he was ready to oltity The orders of the Ma- gistrates, but 1.c generally iantempanied that tult.tit-sitot ie., discouraging the ute of force.

Upon some diz,cussion tab place about di ii.. he once or twice said, 'I If 1 am to fire, I must have an -eltieit order."

The Sergeant said he ees not aware that any explicit order was given in the course of that evening ; but Cohmel Brereton was in the course of the evening frequently informed by the Magistrate's of their desi: to have the city restored to a state of quiet, and that they looked to him to effect that object. There was no restriction of usiug the edge of thv sword made ; nor was there any discussion among. the Magistrates about taking on themselves the responsibility of ordering Colonel Brereton to tire.

Mr. Pinney, the Mayor' was the next witness examined. He stated, that orders were given by Alderman Frill), and corroborated by him- self, to clear or disperse the rioters, or clear the square,—he could not recollect the precise words ; and on Colonel Brereton asking whether the troops should fire, he was told, that if it was necessary to fire, he must do so ; or words to that effect.

The Colonel protested atone period against using force. The general plea that he made use of was, that the mob were a good-humoured nob,— that the troops could either ride or walk them down, or something to that ctreet,—and that they were lessening in numbers. On coming in at one period, to show the good tem- per of the mob, he said that his arm was tired shaking hands with the people. He said, in Mr. Pinney's presence, "Mind, the responsibility is with you ; I protest against using force, tor it is unnecessary, and contrary to my opinion."

Mr. Pinney detailed the occurrences at the Maniiionhouse, in very nearly the same terms as those employed by Mr. Sergeant Ludlow. He thought it impossible that Colonel Brereton could be ignorant of the fact of the Riot Act's having been read.

Question by the Court.—" Do you, as Chief Magistrate of Bristol, consider that the increase of the riot on the evening of the eeth was owing to the want of energy and vigour on the part of Lieutenant-Colonel Brereton, and his dis- obedience of the orders of yourself and other magistrates to use the force under his command as you had empowered him to do ?" Answer—'• I should say rather the non-compliance than the positive disobedience of the order. I think Colonel Brereton's conduct gave confidence to the mob. I cannot tell what: increased the riot. Colonel Brereton's familiarity with the rioters must have given confidence to them. His conduct was more a non-compliance than dis- obedience of the orders of the magistracy. When he came into the court, he constantly said that the rioters were lessening, and were good-humoined." Question—" Did the Mayor and Magistrates at the time deem that the con- duct of Lieutenant-Colonel Brereton was more feeble nod temporizing' than it should have been, or did he or they consider that the Lieutenant- Colonel de- clined or neglected' the discharge of his duty ?" Answer—" I should answer that we certainly considered that the conduct of Colonel Brereton was feeble anti temporizing, and it was on that ground that the Town-Clerk made use of the question on the subject, as to instructions alluded to in the former part of my evidence. The impression on my mind is, that we could not account in any other way for his conduct."

On this last question being repeated, Mr. Pinney said, the Square was not cleared ; and this arose from the neglect of Colonel Brereton.

There was no Magistrate with the troops ; the whole of the Magis- trates remained at the Mansionhouse.

Mr. Alderman Hillhouse spoke to the partial suppression of the mob about eleven o'clock ; which he attributed to more vigorous mea- sures being then taken for that purpose. These measures were the Consequence of a strong remonstrance from the Magistrates.

Captain Gage, of the 14th Light Dragoons, spoke to the conduct of the mob that had retreated to the market-boats-

" Finding the men much pelted by stones and pieces of iron, and by men in boats and barges, and that they were thrown front situations beyond our reach, I went to the lahmsionhonse, and asked leave of the Mayor to take a few of the men to use their carbir e:, to dislodge the people who were pelting them. The Mayor hesitated for some time, when I met Lieutenant-Colonel Brereton on the stairs, who remount:ruled that it should not be done. I then went down the square again and endeavoured to dislodge the mob on horseback, without firing ; the party succeeded, with the exception of those who got into the boats and barges."

The mob immediately dispersed on the appearance of the soldiers at the Mansioehouse, and sought shelter in the courts and alleys. Cap- tain Gage continued-

" The party with which I patrolled Wine Street was very much annoyed by the mob pelting us with stones from the anCys. rr0111 one alley in particular a nem, in a light-coloured dress, stepped out repeatedly a few paces on the pave- ment betbre lie threw the missiles. 'the third os tourth time he did it I drew a pistol and levelled it at him, but it snapped. A soldier immediately on my left fixed aud the man fell. After this the mob left that passage and we were no more pelted by them. This clearing of Wine Street occupied till half-past twelve; and that part of the town being quiet, I took that party home, leaving Lieutenant Dawson :old a sergeant-major with the remainder to patrol the streets, with an understanding that they were to be relieved every two hours."

When the troops first proceeded to the relief of the Mansionhouse, one half of them were ordered to load ; they went thither at a quick trot.

Question Ey Camel Thareton—" Did not the rioters cease for a time from violetwe tat the tirrival f tbe troops in Queen's Square?" Answer—" Yes." Questa,.._" Was them any renewal of violence by any large body of rioters after the arrival of the troops in Queen's Square till just before eleven o'clock, when orders were given to clear the streets by force ?" Answer—" I did not see any." Question by the Court—" You stated that you were ordered to clear the streets by flirt-it about eleven o'clock ; who gave you that order?" Answer- "'Lieutenant-Cease] Irere ton." Question—" Was Lieutenant-Colonel Brereton fr7equeotiv iii comottlaieJit ai with von after the ari ival of the troops at the Man- sionlniust: ?" An,wer—" Ito was."

Lieutenant PaWSOTI, of the 14th, NV:1S examined respecting the attack on the Manrionliouse on Saturdny night, and the subsequent clearing of Queen Square. His testimony, andahat of Troop Ser- geant-Major Allen, corresponded in all points with the military evi- dence previously given. There was no general riot, according to these witnesses, until that which was dispersed by the charge in Queen Seems- at eleven oadork. The attempt at the Mansionhouse-door sass :ea.:allot:sae reeresstal. Troop Sergeant-Major Allen. and Mr. ai the City Chamberlain, deserileal the pelting of the mob in -'1'.;:a; -ayes es rearm:It:1y annoying mai violent. Mr. Garrard pro- sai ealea fey; ;:all;10 in in rod, \Ilia he had received from a 1 ai a • e f the I ; tlto toti,'Firr had talzan it from One of the mob.

' lamas, a sal ieltor, described the conduct of Colonel Brereton tee:pals the Intl,— " I saw Colonel ho 01" :to!7Y lila earloid hat and join in the cheers of the mob. I don't know taa ae ainealf made sey noise, but he waved his hat. I Saw him shake hands with several of thf• nit-re. who were shouting and making a terrible noise. A man in the crowd asked hint if he was for Reform. He answered, as well as I can recollect, ' I am, as well as you, my boys.' " Dat-as, a Sheriffs officer, gave a somewhat different version- " The Mayor ordered mysql and another olliecr to show Colonel Brereton where to Awe the sohlicrs. 't he Colonel mounted his horse, and went a few paces frem the door of flog Mansionhouse, soul commenced talking to the mob.

t advised them to -, and go quietly home. He spoke to them about ten minutes : thoitte- which the mob cheered him frequently, and cried out

The King tat il so 4we the Colonel took off his hat, and waved it over his loasa sai,:a ai the cheer. two or three times asked the Co-

load to pro:.,! , ,.•.:)! dirce:cd."

The Pre; . ;; ; .....ii tIema- e'er being taken down in the form given ; it itils •, 1.111.- a commanding officer would take direetiona, on a point (d'iitity, from snob a person as the witness.

Sergeant Ea egrd Deane closed the evidence on the first charge. His teetinomy au the shaking of hands and cheering of Colonel Brere- ton is minute Lea important— Question by the Court—" Did yen observe Colonel Brereton, at any time during the evenieg or night of Saturday the '2titli of October, shake hands with the rioters, or pennit the rioters to shake hands with him?" Answer—" lob- served the rioters thing hold of his band hy his horse's side, and shaking it several times." Question—" Did you see Camel Brereton with his hat off, waving it with or near the titers when the rioters cheered?" Answer—" I saw Colonel Brereton with his ran off, waving- it with the rioters when they cheered." Question—" Did you hear any expression or any words made use of by Colonel Brereton, or b2,, the rioters, on that occasion ?" Answer—" I heard Colonel Breretou addressiag the mob several times, requesting them to go to their homes ; if not, that he would have to use violence. I heard the mob sing out The King and Reform.' "

Question by the prisoner—" Had any act of violence or resistance taken place in your presence in Queen Square, while acting in the manner you have stated?" Answer—" Nothing more than the noise and cheering of the mob."

Question by the Celia." At the time Colonel Brereton pulled offhis cap, are you certain that he wore a cap, and what description of cap was it?" Answer- " It was a blue foraging cap, with a silver-lace band. I never saw him in any other hut once, and that was when the troop came into the city; he then wore a cocked hat." Question—" Was it not very dark at the time you speak of?" Answer—" It was. dark." Question—" Were you near enough to Colonel Brereton to judge whether it was against his will, or with his consent, that se- veral of the rioters shook his hand ? Answer—" I always supposed it was against his will."

On the application of the prosecutor, and with the consent of Colonel Brereton, evidence was received on the three next charges together, as the time and facts in each were common,

Mr. Pinney, examined on these charges, stated the appearance of the mob, and the conduct of Colonel Brereton, on Sunday morning.

Mr. Pinney said he was in, the Mansionhouse the whole of the Sw. Willay night, and till about eight o'clock on Sunday morning.

in The tumult wag renewed between seven and eight o'clock. The mob at-

that hour attacked the Mansiouhouse with stones and iron bars, endeavouring to destroy the wooden protection which had been nailed over the doors and win- dows dunng the night. They were in the act of wrenching the boards away from the side-door. I asked Major Mackworth whether he thought that -I should retire. Major Mackworth said, speaking as a military man, he thought he should. Major Mackworth and myself made our escape over the roofs of the

houses adjoining the Mansionhouse. The troops were entirely withdrawn from Queen Square when the rioters made this determined attack upon the Mansion- house. They had been called out in consequence of this attack on the Mansion-

house, by personal application to Colonel Brereton, by myself and Mr. Alderman Hillhouse."

The Mayor proceeded to state what occurred at the Guildhall, on the proposal of Colonel Brereton to remove the 14th from the city.

" As near as I recollect myself, the Town-Clerk and several Magistrates were together when Colonel Ilrereton came to ask permission to send the 14th Dra-

goons out of the city. The Town-Clerk strongly remonstrated against such a measure. He said, ' The Magistrates will not only not grant permission but will not even divide the responsibility with you.' Mr. Alderman Fripp also ex- pressed a strong opinion against the 14th going. Colonel Brereton urged the necessity of their going, sating, that they had fired on the people, and the peo- ple were irritated against them ; and that the men and horses were tired and weary, and required rest. The Colonel said he wished them to retire only about • two miles from Bristol. The Town-Clem k repeated, the Magistrates could not grant permission; but that, if the Magistrates could not assist, they would not etnbarrass lino. Several places were then mentioned by different Magistrates • and the Town-Clerk, for the troops to go to; the Town-Clerk cautioning the Colonel not to consider that the Magistrates acquiesced in the withdrawing the

troops because they mentioned these places. Alderman Fripp also said, that the Colonel being Commander-in-Chief, he must exercise Ins discretion, but the Magistrates could not authorize the withdrawing the troops."

Keynsham was not named as one of the places to which the troops might withdraw. At a second interview of Colonel Brereton and the Magistrates, at the Guildhall, to discuss the propriety of recalling the troops,

" The Town-Clerk told the Colonel that they must be hi-ought back. The Colonel sail, they could not. The Town-Clerk, in a very peremptory tone,

demanded that the Colonel should order back the 14th. The Colonel positively refused, stating, that it would he only bringing the men to certain destruction; and added, 1 will take the responsibility on myself.' The Town-Clerk on this said, that if no one else would report the matter to the Horse Guards, he would. It was mentioned that the horses and men of the 14th were tired. The Town- Clerk inquired, whether some of the horses could not be rested by degrees whilst others were employed; and whether the men could not act on toot, and if fresh horses could not be procured?"

In these demands and suggestions the Mayor said he considered Mr. Sergeant Ludlow as acting under the immediate authority of the

Magistrates. The Sergeant corroborated Mr. Pinney's evidence on these points, unless in respect to Keynsharn ; which lie admitted might have been mentioned, although he did not recollect its being men- tioned. It appeared from his testimony, that many gentlemen besides the Magistnttes were assembled at the Guildhall, and expressed them- selves very warmly on the subject of the state of the city. Mr. Lud- low was seated by the Mayor when he demanded of Colonel Brereton, in the name of the Magistrates and citizens, to bring all the troops he had into action. When Colonel Brereton intimated his dissent, the Sergeant left his seat, and, going up to him, said, " If there be nobody else to represent your conduct in the proper quarter, I will take care to do so myself." At that time, the city bad no protection ; the people would not act without time soldiers and the soldiers were withdrawn. Mr. Alderman Hillhouse said, lie read the Riot Act three times on Sunday morning ; and at each time addressed the mob, telling them the soldiers would fire.

"Time last time I addressed them, Colonel Brereton came up to me. I told him that the rioting must be put down, and the square cleared. His answer was,

that 'the troops cannot and shall not fire.' Their carbines were not, he said, like counery muskets.' The men had been up all night. The horses and men wrreinuch fatigued, and were not equal to contend with the mob; he must keep the mob in. good humour, and endeavour to get the troops rested, or the city might be given up in the evening to plunder and slaughter."

The Aldermen' corroborated the evidence of the Mayor and Town- Clerk with respect to what passed subsequently at the Guildhall. When the recal of the troops was insisted on, the Briclewell was on fire, and the Mansionhouse and New Gaol were in possession of the mob ; the tumult was at its greatest height. The Alderman denied ever having been applied to for orders to fire, and having refused to do so ; he was ignorant of the fact of the Bedminster Yeomanry haying been in the town on Sunday.

Sergeant Deane also spoke to the mob in Queen Square, on Sunday morning cheering Colonel Brereton, and to his taking off his cap, and the people seizing his hand and shaking it. The soldiers, on Colonel Brereton waving his hat, took off their helmets and waved them ; their swords were unsheathed at the time.

Cornet Kelson, of the 3rd Dragoons, mentioned the different be- haviour of the mob to the 3rd and the 14th. When the latter appeared in the Square, they, were received with hooting and hissing, and cries of "Away with the bloody Blues !" Several other witnesses were ex- amined on these points, whose evidence was similar. Mr. Harmer heard Colonel Brereton say to the mob, "I am going to send them out of the town ;" and some time after, "I have sent them out of the town."- Captain Gage, of the 14th, said he and his men were hooted and hissed while in the Square, and pelted severely as soon as they began to leave it. Captain Gage described the manner of the troop's retiring, and the order subsequently given by Colonel Brereton- " Immediately on leaving the Square, they, closed in upon our rear, and commenced pelting us with 'stones and pieces of iron. Twice I faced the men about, and charged the mob. They retreated into the houses and passages. We formed up, and again com- menced our retreat, and were again followed and pelted as before. Me charged a third time. That hour of the morning, all the houses being open, made it very easy for thetmi to retire where we could not touch them. In consequence of this, I faced three men about from the rear-guard, and ordered them to draw their pistols, and present them, but not to fire. I remained in the rear of the troops myself, and observed, for the first time, that it had the effect of dispersing them; but on arriving at St. Augustine' Church, the mob closed in upon the three men I had faced about, and I ordered them to fire in self-defence. They did fire. We continued our retreat in that way, covered by the skirmishers we had thrown out, till we arrived at our quarters. I was ordered by Colonel Brereton to leave Bristol, I imagine between one and two o'clock on Sun-. -day. I received the order verbally fioin.Colonel Brereton, in the yard of Fishat's.IiranDfr-

• stables. The words were, ' Captain Gage, you will march your squadron immediately out of Bristol; if you do not, the whole squadron will be murdered.' At that moment, my own horse and about seven privates were at Lee's livery-stables, some fifty yards

• from Fisher's. Some delay ensued, in consequence of my having to send for them; and Colonel Brereton came up to me a second time, and said, 'For God's sake, Captain Gage. will you get out of the town?' I asked him where we were to go. His answer was. 'Anywhere you please—only go away.' Some man in the crowd (I believe an ostler in the yard) proposed that the squadron should be sent to Keynsham. Colonel Breretou said, Keynsham will do. Now, Captain Gage, march your squadron off at a trot.' I moved off at a trot, and we were again very much pelted by the mob. A man and horse in rear of the squadron fell. The mob immediately attempted to rush upon him on the ground, when we faced about a party on the rear, and I think I heard two or three shots fired, for the dragoons' protection. We rescued the man, and were no more molested, and continued our march to Keynsham."

At that period, the troops were fresh, and fit for any service ; and from their form, the stables at Fisher's could be defended, by three men at each gateway, from the attacks of any mob whatever.

To questions from Colonel Brereton, Captain Gage said he did not recollect the Colonel mentioning Brisling-ton as the point on which the troops were to march ; nor did he recollect anything befit.' said about a reinforcement. He was ordered to keep the troops in readiness.

General Pearson was present at Fisher's stables, and accompanied the troop as far as the road leading to his house at Clifton. The route pursued by the troop was a private one ; it was chosen , by Colonel Brereton's orders.

Mr. Gregory, an attorney, described Colonel Brereton as saying to the mob, that if the 14th were obnoxious, he would send them away. Before he went to the mob and said this, one of them had hurled a glass bottle at one of the soldiers of the 14th.

A corporal of the 14th gave a more particular account of the Colonel's address to the mob. He said, "For God's sake, my good fellows, go home." The answer made was, "We will not go home until you send away the 14th." The Colonel said, " If I send the 14th out of town, will you disperse ? " The mob returned, "Yes, we will 7-" and then gave a huzza for the King and Reform. Mr. Fisher, the owner of the repository where the 14th were, de- scribed very minutely what passed on their being ordered to leave the town— Captain Musgrave asked Colonel Brereton, "What for ? " Colonel Brereton said, It was for killing that unfortunate man at the top of the Pithay." Captain Mus- grave then asked him "By whose orders the troops were to leave.' "13y order of the Mayor and the Magistrates," Colonel 13rereton replied. Colonel Brereton repeated to Captain Gage, on that officer's coming in, that the 14th must leave the town. Captain Gage asked, "What are we to leave the town for ?" The Colonel returned the some answer he bad previously given to Captain Musgrave. Captain Gage then asked, " Who was to give him orders for the 14th -to leave the town." The Colonel re- plied, "I will." Captain Gage then asked where they were to go? The Colonel answered, that they were to go to 13rislington, leaving the town by the way of Gloucester House. He added, that if they could not get in at Brislingtou, they were to go into Keynsham..

Captain Musgrave confirmed these particulars. Mr. Johnston, a blacksmith, who was standing on the leads of the Customhouse when the 14th were in the Square, and when they left it, said that Colonel Brereton repeatedly took off his hat, and "made obeisance to the lowest of the low." e. Captain Cooke (on half-pay) described the interview between Colonel Brereton and the Town-Clerk, Magistrates, and citizens, at the Guildhall, about three o'clock. Cornet Kelson was then examined respecting the attack on the Gaol. Colonel Brereton ordered hint to proceed thither ; but when he asked for orders, the Colonel said he could give none, as he could find no magistrate to give • him orders. He specially charged Cornet Kelson to use no violence. The Cornet had eleven men at first, and when he got to the Gaol twenty. He reconnoitered the state of the mob, and the Gaol, which was then broken into, and returned to Colonel Brereton, at College Green, to whom he stated, that there was an immense mob, and that, agreeably to his instructions, he had done nothing except inspect them. These examinations bring down the trial to Thursday evening, and to the .5th article of charge.

• This is hardly a smithy please, but it appears in all the reports.