14 JANUARY 1837, Page 9


Tur. solitary novelty of the week has been the appearance at the Allelphi of a miniature mimicry of the " Great Agitator," in a farcical bruletta, as long as it is broad, entitled The Hallman: (II an Live/ion. Erase, as 0/1'. Churchwarden Bustle, an impersonation of a country eurporation, is the hero of the piece ; and he looks as big with im- portance as if all the parish offices were buttoned up in his coat. Mr. 0 Donnell, as he is called in the bills, mounts the hustle, and makes a speech in favour of the Liberal candidate, which is a poor parody of O'CONNELL'S election harangues, and a feeble imitation of his style of oratory. The name of the actor is not stated, but we have heard that it is FITZGERALD. He is a petite, still. life likeness of O'Coesooas in free and person, and mimics the gestures and other peculiarities of his manner with literal minuteness ; but the general impressiou con- veys no idea of the spirit, power, and animation of O'Coseese's speaking. In short, it is just such an imitation as any person bearing seine personal resemblance to another might give: it is not eomparable, in moral truth of personation, with Marimws's famous imitation. That versatile and plastic mimic made us sensible of the humour and pathos of O'CONNELL'S eloquence, and by dint of feeling, as his proto- tyre may be supposed to do, made himself even look like him. Macncanv has been playing _Vire/milt aud Viryiniqs at Covent Gar- den this week. The Mach, de La Vallii:re still lingers out its stage- exi,tence on the strength of Marateanv's powerful acting in Bettye/one. A new scene, it seems, has been added, which makes this character more prominent than before, and others are left out : but as Miss Faucie has been ill of the influenza the play has not been acted sines! Tuesday, and we have not seen the effect of the tinkering. At Drury Lane, the novelty of reduced prices suffices to draw crowds every night. Cinderella is revived, and has been played on al- ternate nights with The'Devil on Two Sticks. 11 ARNETT's long-pro. mised opera of Fair liosanwnd is announced as being in preparation. niquet with the Tuft continues to be the grand attraction at the Olympic. We are never tired of CHARLES MATHEWS'S and Miss Ferz- WA LTER'S dancing of the tarantella in TheCarniral ; and, whatever they may feel, they show no sign of fatigue.