14 JANUARY 1843, Page 4


The substance of the following report has appeared in several of the Scotch papers, bat, of those which we have seen, most distinctly in the subjoined extract from the Glasgow Chronicle- " The Government has returned a formal answer to the memorial of the Nonintrnsion Convocation lately held in Edinburgh. It is understood to be unfavourable to the claims of the party. A respectable Conservative contem- porary gives the following, derived from private sources, as the import of the communication. That her Majesty's advisers see no reason at present for altering or remodelling the constitution of the Established Church; and that the laws regarding it must of course continue to be administered by the legal judicatories constituted for that purpose by the State.' It is stated that the official document will be published in a few days. Movements are going on in various Nonintrusion congregations in this city and elsewhere, the object of which is to pledge the people belonging to the congregations to adhere to their clergymen should they secede from the Establishment. We have heard that some parties, who have given their subscriptions to written resolutions in which this pledge is embodied, are already explaining that their doing so is to be considered only as an expression of their present feeling, and that they do not regard themselves as bound to adhere to their present ministers ' if circum- stances should render it inconvenient.' We find, however, that the belief is gaining ground that a large secession is now likely to take place."

The Town-Council of Banff have resolved to petition for the aboli- tion of the Income-tax.