14 JANUARY 1888, Page 1

It is reported, apparently with truth, that another plot has

been discovered for murdering the Czar on the railroad between Gatschina and St. Petersburg. A number of officers and students have been arrested, and it is said that exact informa- tion as to the Czar's movements was transmitted to the con- spirators by an employg on the railway. That the Czar has aban- doned an announced design to quit Gatschina and reside for some weeks in St. Petersburg, is officially admitted. The plot was evidently betrayed, and its great interest now is its probable effect on the Czar's mind. It may, as the last one did, incline him towards seclusion and internal affairs ; but it may also convince him that nothing but war can revive the patriotism of the discontented, and give him, if successful, the opportunity of making concessions with dignity. It will be observed that, as in other recent attempts, the accounts point to the spread of disaffection among the officers of the Army, a most serious symptom for a Russian Emperor.