14 JANUARY 1893, Page 2

In the meantime, we are not sorry to see the

Irish Government taking some pains to increase the number of Roman Catholic Magistrates and permanent officials. Probably a great mistake has been made in excluding Colonel Montgomery from the Board of Management of the Donegal Lunatic Asylum, though he had been its chairman for twenty-seven years, especially as his place is said to have been taken by a man of small education. But as no doubt the greater number of the patients in the lunatic asylums of the three Southern provinces are Roman Catholics,

it is only fair that the number of Roman Catholic Managers should be considerably increased; nor do we see why reason- able and moderate Nationalists should he excluded. We should be justly seandalised if, in case Ireland ever obtained Home-rule, the Home-rulers excluded all Unionists from the Boards of Irish lunatic asylums. We are not at all prepared to admit that sober Nationalists should be socially boycotted by any Government; and for a Home-rule Government to boycott them, would be simply absurd.