14 JANUARY 1911, Page 1

It is evident that the Portuguese Pretender, Dom Miguel of

Braganza, has some hopes of gaining the throne. In a statement published in the Hese Freie Presse, and summarised in the Times of last Saturday, he said that he had promised King Manoel to recognise him as King provided that his own house should be recognised as next in order of succession. The return of King Manoel to Portugal was -not now con- ceivable, and he had no doubt that the present regime would soon come to an end. He therefore awaited the "call" of the Portuguese people. He would not press his claim, but if he were wanted he would be ready. This might easily be nothing more than talk, but the Miguelist party seems to be really hopeful, as its organ, which used to be published three times a week, is now to appear daily.