14 JANUARY 1911, Page 2

We regret to have to record the occurrence of a

serious riot in Bombay. The occasion was the Mohurrum celebra- tions, which, as they are used by the Shiahs to commemorate the fate of Hassan and Hussein, invariably revive the ancient feud between Shiahs and Sunnis. Troops had been called out to maintain order in the Mohammedan quarter on Wednes- day, but the disturbance did not become acute till Thursday afternoon, when tramcars were pelted with stones, and the police and troops were assaulted. Finally, by the order of Mr. Setalvad, the Magistrate, the troops were ordered to disperse the mob by rifle-fire, eighteen persons being killed and twenty-four wounded. No political significance is attached to the outbreak, but the heavy loss of life will make the efforts at conciliation more difficult than ever.