14 JANUARY 1911, Page 3

Knowing as we do the sincerity and depth of feeling

of many Tariff Reformers, we recognise that it would be folly to ask them to abandon their faith. But the quality of their faith is surely to be measured by their willingness to accept the direct decision of the people whom they are educating in their doctrines. An immense change like Tariff Reform could not be introduced against the will of the people, and the Refer- endum gives Tariff Reformers the means of knowing whether the country wants a particular tariff or not. Without the Referendum there would always be doubt, and we cannot imagine a matter in which doubt would be more harmful The Referendum has therefore certainly come to stay. We agree absolutely with the Times of Thursday, which says :— " It is foolish to suppose that a period of comparative prosperity is the time to thrust a vast and disturbing economic change on the country. Tariff Reformers must exercise patience and utilise the time to carry on an active educational campaign."