14 JANUARY 1949, Page 9


As was stated here last week, The Spectator is, as from February nth, setting apart a page in every issue for contributions by undergraduates, men or women, of the universities, or students of the university colleges, of Great Britain. The foundation of many great literary reputations in the past has been laid in undergraduate days and there is no reason to think that literary talent at the universities today is of lower quality or less in volume. The articles we hope to receive and publish will throw light on that. Articles may be on any subject, light or serious. They should be as nearly as possible 1,400 words in length, need not be typewritten and should be addressed to The Editor of The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London, W.C.r, envelopes being marked " Undergraduate." The best article each week will be published on the Undergraduate Page. A fee of eight guineas will be paid for it.