14 JANUARY 1966, Page 12


From : David Hawley, George Edinger, J. W. Roche, Dr. B. Thalityasingam. N. E. Griggs, D. R. Forsdyke, R. Leather, Rev. Kenneth MacKenzie, Alan Spence, A. D. Mac Dou gall.

Open Letter to Roy Jenkins

SIR,—Mr. Jo Grimond appears to have forgotten his Bar student days; a house is not a 'chattel' and therefore the method of transfer always will be much more complicated than a motor-car until the Law Commission finally rewrites legal theory.

However, if Mr. Grimond is making a passing tilt at solicitors' costs, it might be advisable to re- mind his readers that if a client of a solicitor sub- sequently discovers a flaw in the title to his house then of course that solicitor is liable and will pay damages for negligence. If a motor dealer sells a hot motor-car one is often hard-pressed to sue and enforce judgment.

There lies his answer.


20 Moor Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire