14 JULY 1832, Page 11


On the Stli inst.. at Etulico Lthile, Mrs. 3o:1N LETTSOM El•L'OT, (0.- as FOS. On the 5th lust., at Quinn Stre,:d, May Fair, the Lady of L:gulcnant-Colonel the Honourable l.,TA:s1/11,11 :SE A or. M.P., c.f a son and heir. On the 5th inst. at Caltte AbLey, Derbyshire, the Lady of Sir Si FORIS CREWE, Bart., of a son. On the Silt inst.. in South Andley street, the Lady of EDWARD M. Foxiisra.. Esq.,

of a t.a g 10 st

On tim •2tith ult., the Lady of WILLI ANI FOS:VIET, Esq., uf Albion Street. Hyde Park .P1IIEV, 01. :t sea. Oil ';111. at IranWl.11, the Lady or Atr.K.ANDElt YOPNG FPEA en ass, itsq., of a son.


On the 9111 inst., at St. Gila,"s, Reading, tic hey. CHARLES MACKENZIE, M.A. of Pombroke Colle„;0, tl.:fford, to ht.:sit:ETTA, 50,11,4VA daughter of Henry Si'llt/Ods, of Reading. Esq. • On the 10th inst., at Marylthone Church, Br:ma:its WuratTrAn, of R imbolton, Huntingdonshire. Eto., io MARV, daughter of the late Oweley Rowley, Esq., of the

Priory, near St. IN in the same enmity.

Ott the 10th insi., al BritlgeNVII'VE, JOSEPH ANETIEE, Esq., Student of Christchurch, Oxford, and Literature at. King's College, London, to ELIZABETH SPENCER UP,cON7EE, ddlahter of .Toseph Rm.:combo Poole, 17.,(1., of Bridgewater.

On the 10.11 at Christ ( I `I I I, 1 iKEDEBIEI: MADAN,

Honourulde C..ne:any's to HARRIET, daughter of the late Sir James Graham, Boa., of Netheri,v, Ciontrerland. On the 10th lust.. at St. George's, Hanover Square, JOUR' THARP BERTON Parameseas Esq., eldest iota of the late Reverend Richard Burton Burton Ithillipson. formerly of Derringswell Hall, Suffolk, to GEORGIANA JANE, only child of John Turner, E of Groat Ormond Street.


On the .12th inst., at the residence of John Hays, Esq., Norwood, Aws, wife of Edward Micklem, EN., late of Oxford. On- the 11th inst., R ousurr Friscn. Esq., of Dolley's Hill, Middlesex, in his 44th year. On the 3d inst.. at Anteild, near Paris, the Right Honourable JOHN, Lord Raw- DLESFIA IT, Of It endlesham, in the county of Suffolk. in his 47th year. (iii the 7th inst., in an apoplectic tit, Lieutenant- Colonel Wrr.r.rem FENIVICK, in his 55th yeaz K.C.B., Sze., Lieufenant-Governor of Pentlennis Castle. On the 9th inst., at Brattistairs, Lady.BLANE, wife of Sir Gilbert Mane, Bart. - On the 4th inst., at Rath lord, EVAN FHOMAS, Esq., of Sully,Giamorganshute, and. Llwymnaddoek, Brceonshire, In his 54th year. On the 10th inst., Mr. JOHN TO*NSEND, of Eccleston Street. Pimlico. in his 73,1 Year. ..1t3 was for upwards of fifty years attached to the Public Office iii Bow Street. Tin the 7tii alt.. at Barlytonta, near Cushman, lisettreatn arCearantear, at the patriarchal age of 123 years and 4 months,!