14 JULY 1860, Page 20


A volume or" Speeches in Parliament and Miscellaneous Writings of the late Henry Drummond," is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Bosworth and Harrison, Regent Street

Meagre. Longman and Co. have in the press a work on the "Chase of the Wild Red Deer in the Counties of Devon and Somerset," by Charles Palk Collyns, Esq., of Dulverton.

Mr. T. D. Hardy, of the Record Office, is preparing a new pamphlet on the Collier controversy. Mr. Hardy was one of the five commissioners whom the Master of the Rolls appointed to examine the "Players' Peti- tion," preserved in the State Paper Office, and who unanimously pro- nounced it a forgery.

" An Autumn Tour in Spain," with numerous engravings : and "The Newspaper Press of the Present Day," are announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Saunders, Otley, and Co.

The same publishers are preparing for the press several new works Of fiction, among them "Barrack Thoughts," by "A Common Soldier ; " "The Lighthouse," a novel, in two volumes; and "Lady Aubrey; or What shall I Do ?" by the author of "Every Day."

The first volume of a " New System of Surgery, Theoretical and Prac- tical," written by various authors, and edited by T. Holmes, M.A., is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. J. W. Parker and Co.

Messrs. Thomas Murray and Co., Glasgow are preparing for publica- tion an " Archaeological, Historical, Statistics:1, and Topographic Account of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire," one of the chief manufacturing re- gions of Scotland.

The prospectus of a new daily paper, of " Liberal-Conservative" poli- tics, has just been issued. The paper is to be published at noon every day, so as to be enabled to give the news of the morning mails ; and its title is to be The Day; its price, one penny.

" The Pulpit of the Revolution, or the Political Sermons of the era of 1776; with Biographical Sketches of the Preachers, and Historical Notes," by John Wingate Thornton, is announced as forthcoming by Messrs. Gould and Lincoln, New York.

The first two parts of " Fifty Years of a Playgoer's Journal, com- prising the Dramatic Annals of New York, from the building of the Park Theatre, A.D. 1798, to its destruction, A.D. 1848," by H. N. D., have been published by Mr. S. French, New York.

" Five years in China," by the Reverend Charles Taylor, " Methodism Successful," by B. F. Tefft, D.D., and " Women of the South distin- guished in Literature," by Mary Forrest, are announced by Messrs. Derby and Jackson, New York.

In a farewell letter to the New York Mercury, Mr. Bayard Taylor thus sums up his labours for the past sixteen months :—" 250 lectures, 30,000 miles' travel, forty-eight Mercury articles, two books published, and one house built."

M. Hue, an old servant of Louis XVI.—" le dernier servitenr," as he calls himself—has just published, through Pagnerre and Co., Paris, " Demieres Andes du Regne et de la Vie de Louis XVI." The book is said to be highly interesting.

Under the title " Histoire d'une Deinande en Autorisation de Journal, Simple Question de Propiicte," M. Leymarie has published a little work, made up of contributions by Count d'Ilaussonville, Berryer, Paul Andral, and Odilon Barret.

A volume of " Recherches sur les Forces Elastiques des Vapeura," by M. V. Regnauld, of the French Academy of Sciences, has been brought out by Messrs. Didier and Co., Paris.

Messrs. Brockhaus and Leipzig, have in the press the first volume of "Travels of the brothers Co.,ehlagintweit in Upper India." The whole work, which is to comprise nine volumes of text and three volumes of maps and illustrations, will not be finished before the end of 1862.

A very interesting " Tagebuch," or Diary of Count Platen, the poet, edited by his old friend, professor Carl Pfeufer, has just been published by Messrs. Cotta and Co., Stuttgart.

The first two divisions (forming two-thirds of a volume) of an auto- biography of the recently deceased composer, Ludwig Spohr, have been brought out by George H. Wigand, Cassel, and Gottingen. The work, i written in the years 1847 to 1858, is perfectly authentic.

A " Geschichte Italiens von Griindung 'der regierenden Dynaatien bis zur Gegenwart," (History of Italy, from the establishment of the reign- ing dynasties to the present time), in three volumes, by Hermann Reuch- lin, has appeared at Leipzig. Mr. Valentine Arno, the engineer, has published a pamphlet in whiet he explains a new system for keyed instruments ; it is indeed a new sys- tem of music applicable to singing, to keyed instruments, and to thole generally in which the scales admit of the same form of execution.