14 JULY 1894, Page 2

Lord Rosebery has recommended to the Queen the Bishop of

Adelaide, Dr. Kennion, to fill the vacant See of Bath and Wells. We have no objection at all to the policy of letting it be well known that distinguished Colonial clergymen of the Anglican Church (like the great Bishop of New Zealand, Dr. Selwyn), are regarded as eligible to English Sees. In fact,. we heartily welcome the adoption of such a principle. But we do think that the English Church has a right to have her vacant Sees filled by the best men known to the Prime Minister, and that it is rather hard that English clergymen of the first distinction should be passed over simply for the sake of bringing the Federation policy to which Lord Rose- bery is devoted, into political prominence. We believe Dr.. Kennion to be a worthy and hardworking clergyman, but we do not think that his claims would fairly compare with those. of many distinguished English clergymen or even with some of the Colonial Bishops now resident in England. Why, for instance, have we never heard of the offer of a See to Mr.. Gore, whose learning and great spiritual power have justly gained him a vast influence amongst English Churchmen? And of course Mr. Gore does not stand alone.