14 JULY 1917, Page 12


[To THE Earroa or THE " SPECTATOR."1 gin,—Ycu kindly allowed me to inform your readers of a scheme to mark the centenary of Jane Austen 's death by placing a memorial tablet on her home at Chawton, near Alton, Hants. You and they will be glad to hear that the response to our appeal has been hearty and widespread. The ceremony of unveiling the tablet will he conducted by Sir Frederick Pollock, Bart., D.C.L., on Wednesday. July 18th, at 4 o'clock. A train leaves Waterloo at 1.5, reaching Alton Station (two miles from Chawton) at o'clock, where seats in vehicles can be hired. It is hoped that many grateful readers of Jane Austen's novels will be present on this interesting ocension. We trust that when the final subscrip- tions are received there will be a sufficient fund in hand to benefit the village of Steventon, the authoress's birthplace, by founding a small scholarship and also a School Children's Library, both to bear her name—I am, Sir, Ac., Cogstati HILL. Crone Cottage, Frognol, Hampstead.