14 JUNE 1834, Page 10



The English Money Market has been in a quiescent state during the whole week. The closing price of Consols for Account to-day is 92= ; which is about per cent. lower than the highest price of the week, and within a shade of the pm ce of Saturday last. Official notice was given here to-day, that the holders of the Dissented portion of the 4 per Cents. may receive their capital in full on the 10th October next. It isa uderstood that the sum applicable to this purpose already in the hands of the Commissioners for the reduction of the National Debt, is about 2,500,000/. • and befiwe October, it is expected that this balance will be further augmented fry about 400,000/. - 'leaving the Government under the necessity of providing 1,000,000/. to meet the sum required for the payment referred to. 'Ws amount will, it is supposed, be raised by the sale of some of the Stock belonging to the Savings Banks; which is vested in the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, and over which they possess unlimited control, under the provisions of the 9th Geo. IV. and 1:d William IV. In the Foreign Market, the speculations in Spanish Stock still continue ; and though sevetal of the earlier speculators have been induced to realize the nu • mense profits which the continued improvement in price has produced them, a new class of operatives seem to have sprung up within the last few days, who see in the great alteration which is daily taking place in the political state of the Peninsula, a guarantee for immediate and continued financial prosperity. The price of the Cartes Bonds has been as high as 491, but fell yesterday to 46; a reaction to 48 took place immediately, and the Market closed at 45,4 to 47. This morning, on the opening of business, the price was 48, and speedily reached 49. The near approach of the settlement on Monday, however, forced several holders to realize, and these sales depressed the Bonds to 4S. The Market in the course of the afternoon recovered, and closed at ; fur tins Account, and 487i 49A for the 00th instant. The Portuguese Regency Bonds maintained their prices in the early part of the week, and were yesterday at 78; but an unfounded report of mutiny among the troops at Lisbon (said to have been received by ex- press) induced several large sales ; and at one period the Bonds were as low as 7;36 ; the price has since improved, and is to-day 76-1 The other Foreign Stocks are nearly at last week's prices, but the transactions in them have been few awl unimportant.


With the exception of Spanish and Portuguese Bonds, our Stocks generally are at yestaday's prices; both these securities have improved upon our last quotations. Spanish Stock has been done at 497 for 30th June, and at 49,1 for the current Account. Portuguese Bonds are 771'?

SATURDAY. FOUR o`cr.oen.

Spanish Stock, after being at fin for the end of the month, elos...!..s at 494 for

this Account, and 4oi 4 for the 30th instant. Great interest is now attached to the price for 31oney reaching 50 before twelve o'clock on Monday, as sevend large wagers are depending on it. The other Foreign Funds are at our morn- ing's quotation.

a pin. Cent. Consols — Dutch 24 per Cents. 59.1 4 Di.to for Accotint 921 .1 French:3 per Cents _ New :34 per Cent Annuities — Greek, 1533.3 per Cents 105 Bank Stock — 'Mexican '' per Cents. 45 46 India Stock _ Portuguese 5 per Cents 771 * • Exelietitier Bills 52 53 Iii,. Regency scrip, 5 per Cent 77} I Belgian 5 per Cents tia 4. Prussian. ISIS, 5 per Cent... —

Brazilian 5 per Cents 751 6} Russian, 1:".:.2 5 per Cent.., 1051 st

Danish 3 per Cents 74; 5} Spanish, 1521.5 per Cent... 494 4