14 JUNE 1873, Page 1


GAMBETTA has given the first blow to the majority in in I the Assembly. It appears that M. Beale, Minister of the Interior, has a clever Bonapartist Under-Secretary, named Pascal. M. Beule wished to win the provincial Press, and "uttered a thought of a subvention," and M. Pascal instantly indited a regular Napoleonic Circular, telling the Prefects to cultivate the Press, ascertain their financial condition, and give to Conservative Editors early information, or it may have been actual cash. The Circular was revealed to M. Thiers, who 'handed it to M. Gambetta, who read it quietly and smoothly, amidst roars of rage. M. Beule assumed the full responsibility, -though he did not write the paper, and though the Assembly passed to the Order of the Day by 389 to 315, the blow has been severely felt. Such practices are not for the defenders of moral order, and the Radicals say they have got hold of a circu- lar still worse from the Foreign Office. If they have, if M. de Broglie, for example, asks German adhesion in the general interests of European order, or has reassured Germany and Italy by abandoning the Papacy, the Right must retreat, and the Left Centre will be in power, with Casimir-Perier as Premier, and Marshal MacMahon still President.