14 JUNE 1919, Page 21

The current number of the attractive and well-edited Anglo- Frencla

Review contains an article by M. Daniel Halevy on "M Thiers and the Crimean War" which reveals AL Thiers in 1853 as an ardent partisan of a Franco-British alliance against Russia in order to prevent the Tsar from dominating Constantinople. M. Thiers as Louis Philippe's Premier had seemed to be anti- British, but in 1853 he took so grave a view of the Russian danger that he said that he would refuse the Rhine frontier if it were offered to France on condition that the Russians were to have the Straits. He told his English correspondent that Great Britain was foolish to dream of annexing Egypt, as she could not spare thirty thousand men to garrison the country and did not need to rule in Cairo ; but of course the Suez Canal was not then in existence. A very candid statement of "The Truth about Syria "—and the Syrians—and an eloquent plea for ruined Belgium by Mlle. Yvonne Dusser deserve to be read.