14 JUNE 1924, Page 1

We are interested to read of M. Herriot's approval of

Mr. MacDonald's intention to attend the Assembly of the League of Nations at Geneva in September. The principle of the League will not make real progress till it receives strong official as well as unofficial support. The tendency after the War was to foist on to the League troublesome questions which the Supreme Council was itself incapable of settling. We cannot see why the Allies should not have made the League their Supreme Council as was intended by the terms of the Covenant ; but it was always pretended, not very sincerely, that the League would be injured by having too much put upon its young shoulders. Yet even such young shoulders were the right ones to bear many burdens which were never placed upon them, but Were consigned, for example, to the specially created shoulders of the Ambassadors' Conference. We may be sure that if Mr. Ramsay MacDonald remains in office long enough to go to Geneva, other Prime Ministers will not venture to stay away. A long step forward will have been taken.