14 JUNE 1924, Page 14


[To the Editor of the. SPECTATOR.] SIR,—My attention has been called to an Empire Day) lettur by 31r. Evelyn Wrench in the Spectator of May 31st. 1 do not propose to discuss what Mr. Wrench has written, but in justive to, Lord Meath and; injustice to the Committee of which I have the , honour to 4:m1-Chairman, I think Mr. Wrench himself ahould have pointed out :— .1. That the Empire Day circular was seen in draft brilim

as a member of the Empire Day Movement Committee before it was published ; and 2. That the circular contains the following paragraphs :—

"Although it is perfectly true that Britons are far too indifferent to and ignorant of the merits of their Empire and far too ready to accept as facts many depreciatory and false statements made by foreigners and Little Englanders, still, good patriots will never forget that under God's Providence the future of the Empire will depend upon the determination of its citizens to get rid of the blatant evils which all must acknowledge, and which dame', from its honour and glory. For instance : ignorance of the history and condition of the peoples of the Empire, ignorance of the nature of its Government, lack of civic interest, class hatred, drunkenness, idleness, selfishness, too great love of pleasure, insanitary dwellings, city slums, lack of interest and lack of pride in work."

"These are- some of our national faults which give far too much cause to the foreigner and Little Englander to blaspheme."

"Britons, put your shoulders to the wheel, and make this Empire still more a fit place, not only for heroes, but for Christians to live in."

(Chairman, Empire Day Movement Committee).