14 JUNE 1924, Page 9




AVERY interesting event this month will be the 'celebration at Belleville, Ontario; of the 140th anni- versary of the settlement of Upper Canada. Everyone familiar With Canadian history will recall what an important part 'was played in the settlement of the Dominion by the large influx of'what are termed "United Empire Loyalists" at the conclusion of the American ReValiitioriary War. Between 1782. and 1784 upwards of five thousand of these Americans entered the Province of Ontario. To the. Canadian's the United Empire .Loyalists mike an appeal shnilar to that of the Pilgrim I'atheis in the United States. Many of Canada's leading statesmen have been -of- United Empire Loyalist stock, and they have consistently worked for the prereivation Of the ,ties which unite Great Britain and British North Anieliea. This month's celebration his been organised by the United -Enipire 'Loyalists' Association, and it is to lie hoped' that deputations of the American Sons of the ReVolirtion and Daughters of the Revolution will be . . invited. Such a gathering would be a uniqUe denions-fra- tion' to the world that the People of the North-American continent had decided to let bygones be bygones, and were determined to live in the closest friendship with one another. * * * *