14 JUNE 1930, Page 1

In the meantime, - the expressions of opinion which Volume

I has aroused in India follow the anticipated lines. Among the European newspapers the Times of India points out that as the Commission was composed of representatives of all the British political parties the unanimity of the Report is a very remarkable fact. The Evening News thinks that the Report is " friendly " and " unusually penetrating." The Statesman can find no suggestion in Volume I that Dominion status is an immediate possibility. Among the Indian papers, the Bengalee, a Liberal newspaper in Calcutta, is satisfied with the fairness and sympathetic tone of the volume. The Bombay Chronicle says that the Commission has insulted: India and that the volume is infinitely worse than its critics feared. The Indian Daily Mail, which relleCts. the Congress policy, calls the volume " a badly cooked rice pudding strongly flavoured with the cinnamon of die-; hardism."

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