14 JUNE 1930, Page 14


It is surprising, considering the vast number of new varieties of garden flowers, how little the hybridizers have done for

farm crops. Though we still receive new flowers frequently (and in spite of the virtual extinction of the old travellers in flowers, such as the extinct firm of Veitch once sent out), perhaps the most remarkable additions to the English garden are made in England. Some of the very commonest and, some would say, vulgarest of our " common or garden " flowers include varieties that look almost as novel as a new. species. Examples are innumerable. Here are a few, given at random : Cornflower, dwarf blue ; Swan River daisy ; Convolvulus, Minor Pink ; Nasturtium, Salmon Queen ; Candytuft, Lilac Queen ; or to take our newer but now most popular annual, Viscaria, Pink Beauty, which will flower (if sown in April) from July till the frosts come.